- Info
Campbell Ceretsie, Mr
Dean's Message
School of Business Administration
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics, & Leadership
School of Advanced Management
Module Selection Guide
College Staff
Golding Paul, Professor
Allen Clavery, Mr.
Bewry Simone, Ms.
Brammer Danielle, Mrs.
McKoy Celia, Ms
Lambert Deonette, Mrs.
Sinclair-Maragh Gaunette, Dr
Steele Michael, Mr
Brown Lawrence, Mr.
Brown Roger, Mr.
Dixon-Doldron Rosemarie, Mrs
Davis Lena, Ms.
Francis Damien, Mr.
Garrick Courtney, Dr.
McNish James, Mr
Headley-Smith Rose Marie, Mrs
Samuda Jacqueline, Ms.
Thompson Michelle, Ms.
Weir Myrtle, Mrs
Colyard Christopher, Mr.
Barrett Shaun, Dr.
Shakes Diana, Mrs
Gaynor-Clarke Terry-Ann, Mrs.
Boodraj Girjanauth, Professor
Blackwood Deidri-Ann, Ms.
Brown Orville, Mr.
Clarke Jeffery, Mr.
McLeod Georgia, Ms.
Nelson Sharon, Mrs
Whittle Shelley, Mr.
Nicholson Michael, Mr.
Barnes Carrol, Ms.
Cooper Nigel, Mr
Parkes Samuel, Mr.
Scott-Brown Heather, Ms.
Shaw Ewan, Mr
Smith Valoris, Dr.
Akinladejo Olubusola, Mrs
Harley Patrick, Mr.
Smith Mark, Mr.
Reid Patrick, Mr.
Senior Petula, Mrs.
Robinson Georgia, Mrs.
Rookwood-Brown Sherlette, Dr
Richards Yvette, Ms.
McDonald Geraldine P., Ms.
Cadogan Carlys J., Dr
Libert Elizabeth, Mrs
Easy Theresa, Ms.
Sutherland Andrea, Dr
Harley Henry, Mr.
Barrett Andrea, Dr
Cooke Novelette, Miss
Thomas Chris-Ann, Ms
Murray-Sterling Deloris, Mrs.
Samuels Nathanael, Mr.
McIntosh Sophia, Ms
Saddler Latoya, Mrs.
Hewitt E. Alexis, Ms
Hyatt Everett, Mr
Bradford Marie, Ms
Barrett Shaun, Dr.
Turlounge Kadiesha, Ms
Hisby Claudette, Mrs
Miller Adian, Mr
Lawla Joan, Mrs
Campbell Khalil, Mr
Brown-Roomes Norene, Dr
Spence Dena, Ms
Mighton-Sawyers Rosalee, Mrs
Marchalleck Deanna, Mrs
Mitchell Gillian, Mrs
Warren Richard, Mr
Graham-Haynes Prince, Mr
Williams-Myers Claudette, Dr
Auld Shernett, Mrs
Angus Flo, Mrs
Fraser-Cummings Marcia, Mrs
Amstrong Melva, Mrs
Blackwood Janice, Ms
Bradford Marie, Ms
Clarke Marjorie, Mrs
Hewitt Elorene, Ms
Jones-Watson Judith, Mrs
Gordon Floyd, Mr
Gayle Oswy, Mr
Gordon-Rowe David, Mr
Donaldson Erica, Mrs
Lawes Courtney, Mr
Lee Atherine, Ms
Hamil Kerwin, Mr
May Dennis, Mr
Morgan Earland, Mr
Neil Clifton, Mr
Rowe Hervin, Mr
Roberts-Brown Patricia, Mrs
Segree Marjorie, Ms
Spencer-Hastings Audrey, Mrs
Williams Wilton, Mr
Mills Frederick, Mr
Wiliiams Horace, Dr
Gregory Irwin Errol, Mr
Henry Locksley, Dr
Campbell Ceretsie, Mr
Blackwood-Murphy Charmaine, Mrs
Harvey Karen, Ms
Edwards Michael, Mr
Jackson Camille, Ms
Kelly Donna, Ms
Levy Shani, Ms
McNish Janeen, Ms
Noble Sherona, Ms
Piper Winston, Mr
Robinson-Cornelius Marilyn, Mrs
Sewell-Williamson Ava, Mrs
Townsend Anthony, Mr.
Taylor Kris-Ann, Ms.
Clarke Tiou, Dr.
Fishley Candace, Ms.
Academic Advisement
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