Bramwell Lisa, Dr

- CHE4017 Solid Waste Management
- CHE4020 Environmental Engineering Tools
- CHE4018 Wastewater Treatment
- CHE4016 Air Pollution
- CHE3005 Unit Operations 2
- CHE3002 Mathematical Modelling
- PRJ4029 Major Project Research
Research Topics
Modelling transport of particles using CONTAM and AERMOD.
Evaluating the levels of VOCs within the vehicular Micro Environment.
Evaluating the effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands.
Evaluating the Risk Respiratory Virus Transmission using Indoor Air Quality Metrics.
Bramwell, Lisa. Smikle, Terraine. Ashmeal, Anthonette. (2021). A Comparative Study of Natural and a Synthetic Coagulants in the Treatment of Oily Wastewater.
Bramwell, Lisa. Edwards, Shaneque. Ferguson, Gio Vanni (2021) The Evaluation of Subsurface Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewater in Jamaica.
Bramwell, L., Qian, J., Mondal, S., Howard-Reed, C., and Ferro, A.R. An Evaluation of the Impact of Flooring Types on Exposures to Fine and Coarse Particles Within the Residential Micro-Environment using CONTAM, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2015, (Manuscript # JESEE-14-1997.R1)
McBean, L., Jones, J., Bramwell, L., Henry, P.O. and Virgo, G.J. The Relationship Between VOC Exposure Concentration and Car Interior Types During Jamaica’s Summer Months, AIMS Environmental Science: Indoor pollutants and implication for human exposure, (abstract accepted)
Review of Manuscript for Journal, Indoor Air; INA-16-11-269 entitled “Carpeted floors, indoor air quality and health impacts”
Morgan, R., Gooden, K., Bramwell, L. Air Dispersion Modelling of Benzene Emissions from the Petrojam Refinery using AERMOD. Major Project Research, UTECH, Ja., 2017
Wright, D., Hamilton, R., Bramwell, L. Volatile Organic Compounds in the Vehicular Micro-Environment. Major Project Research, UTECH, Ja., 2017
Bramwell, L. and Ferro, A.R. Validation Of PM Concentration Estimates Using CONTAM Multi-zone Indoor Air Quality Model With Resuspension Deposition Module, Conference Healthy Buildings USA, Bolder, CO, 2015, (Paper # 153)
Manyan, T., Bramwell, L. Developing a Plan of Action to Address the Issue of Cement Rings at Carib Cement Limited. Major Project Research, UTECH, Ja., 2015
Panton, S., Hutchinson, R., Bramwell, L. Solid Waste Management at the University of Technology Jamaica. Major Project Research, UTECH, Ja., 2015
Henry, P., Morgan, S., Barnes, S, Bramwell, L. Coffee Waste Management and Its Applications: The Production of Biogas from Coffee Pulp. Major Project Research, UTECH, Ja., 2007