Aples Nilza, Professor

- CHE2001 Unit Operations I (Transport Phenomena)
- CHE2004 Chemical & Biological Process Principles
- CHE4025 Plant Design & Economics I
- CHE4026 Plant Design & Economics II
- CHE5000 Advanced Chemical Reaction Design
- CHE5001 Advanced Transport Phenomena
- CHE5002 Molecular Thermodynamics
- CHE5003 Special topic in Chemical and Biological Engineering
- CHE8001 Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- CHE8000 Advanced Chemical Reaction Design II
- CHE8002 Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics II
- CHE8003 Further Topic in Chemical Engineering
Research Topics
- Biofuels
- Design of Composite Material
- Natural Fibres and Carbon fibres
- Waste Management
- Waste Minimization Studies
- Environmental Monitoring Programme.
- Sewage & Industrial Waste Management.
- Mathematical Modelling
- Petroleum Refinery, Oil & Lubricant Processes
- Remediation of Petroleum contaminated soil
- Energy Conservation Programming
Selected Publications
Barrett, B. and Aples, N. (2020). Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Potential Ecological Risk in Waste Activated Sludge from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants Located in Eastern Jamaica. Journal of Arts Science and Technology (JAST) Vol. 13, No.2.
Vernon E. Buchanan, Nilza G. Justiz-Smith. (2018). Modeling the Hardness and Density of Recycled Polymer Red Mud Composite. International Journal of Composite Materials. p-ISSN: 2166-479X e-ISSN: 2166-4919. Vol 8(2): 38-45. doi:10.5923/j.cmaterials.20180802.03
Anderson-Foster, Naomi; Adebayo, Sarafadeen A. and Jústiz-Smith, Nilza. Emulsifying properties of Blighia sapida L. (Ackee) Oil; 2nd Conference in Innovation in Drug Delivery: From Formulation to Development through Innovative Evaluation Process, 3 - 6 October, 2010, Aix-en-Provence, France pg. 163.
Adebayo, Sarafadeen A., Aderson-Foster, Naomi and Justiz-Smith, Nilza. Extraction and Characterization of the Physico-chemical Properties of Blighia sapida (Ackee) Oil and its potential application as emulsion base; 2nd Conference in Innovation in Drug Delivery: From Formulation to Development through Innovative Evaluation Process, 3 - 6 October, 2010, Aix-en-Provence, France, pg. 215
Jústiz-Smith, N. G., Virgo, G.J. &Buchanan, V. E. (2007). Potential of Jamaican Banana, Coconut coir and Bagasse Fibres as composite materials. Mater Characterization (2007), doi: 1016/j.matchar.2007.10.011. Vol 59, 9, pp. 1273- 1278.
Justiz-Smith, N. G., Buchanan, V. E. & Oliver, G. (2006). The potential of Red mud in the production of castings. Materials Science & Engineering A 420 pp 250-253.
Smith, N. & McCalla, B. (2004). Alternative use of Natural fibres in Jamaica. Journal of Arts, Science and Technology, Vol 1, pp35-41.
Jústiz Dussú, N., Reyes Yola, O., & Sariol Hernández, J., (1995). Tratamiento de las aguas residuales de la refinería “Hnos. Díaz”. Parte 1. Journal of Tecnología Química, Vol. 15, No 2, pp. 49-54. Ed. ISPJAM: Santiago de Cuba ISSN 0041-8420.
Jústiz Dussú, N., Reyes Yola, O., & Álvarez, E. (1995). Separación de hidrocarburos en las aguas residuales de la refinería “Hnos. Díaz”. Journal of Tecnología Química, Vol. 15, No 2, pp. 49-54. Ed. ISPJAM: Santiago de Cuba ISSN 0041-8420.
Jústiz Dussú, N., Reyes Yola, O., & Mustelier, O. L. (1995). Características contaminantes de las aguas residuales de la refinería “Hnos. Díaz”. Journal of Tecnología Química, Vol. 15, No 2, pp. 49-54. Ed. ISPJAM: Santiago de Cuba. (1995) ISSN 0041-8420.
Jústiz-Smith, McAnuff, K. & Bishop, V. (2007). Bioremediation of soil using indigenous bacteria. Proceedings Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals, Kingston.
Jústiz-Smith, N & Virgo, G. J. (2006). Engineering and a second language in engineering education. Proceedings Latin American Consortiums of Engineering Institutions. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
Jústiz-Smith, N & Virgo, G. J. (2005). A bilingual programme in engineering: a new approach to satisfy societal needs. 8th UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, Kingston, pp 131- 135.
Buchanan, V., Smith, N.G. & Oliver, G. D. (2004). The Possible Use of Red Mud and Sodium Silicate as a Substitute for Sand Casting Mould. Materials Conference, Havana, Cuba. ISBN: 959-261-169-6.
Smith, N. G., Bridge, J. & Clarke, E. (2002). An evaluation of the students’ performances based on their preferred learning styles. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Engineering Education, Glasgow, Scotland, pp 284-287.
Potential of Red Mud for Casting. (The Caribbean Academy of Science Xlll Annual General Meeting, June 2002. (Abstract).
Possibility of the use of Red Mud and Sodium Silicate to be used as a Substitute for Sand Casting. The Caribbean Academy of Science Xlll Annual General Meeting, June 2002. (Abstract).
AL-Zubaidy, S.N., Bridge, J., Justiz-Smith, N., Peters, D. & Johnson, A. (2000). “Development of Research Programmes in the School of Engineering, UTech, Jamaica”. International Conference on Higher Education, Havana, Cuba.