February 2017
| VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica
HIGHLIGHTS: President’s Onboarding
President Vasciannie Meets Stakeholders
Dr. Irving McKenzie, interim Dean, College of Oral Health Sciences,
explains the functionalities of the Sirona Simulation Unit in the College’s
Simulation Dental Laboratory where dental students are introduced to
dental procedures prior to working on real patients. President Vasciannie’
visited the College at Arthur Wint Drive, Kingston 5 on Friday, January 20,
2017 as part of a series of onboarding activities. Looking on (from left) are,
Dr. Elaine Wallace, University Registrar, Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, President,
Dr. Su Yun Htun, Associate Professor and Maxillofacial Specialist, and Prof.
Winston Davidson, Head, School of Public Health and Health Technology.
Prof. Stephen Vasciannie (2nd left), meets some graduates of the first
cohort of the UTech, Jamaica Doctor of Medical Dentistry (DMD) degree
programme who are now giving back as Clinical Instructors at the College
of Oral Health Sciences. From left are Drs. Kaithlin Williams-Beecher,
Francine Pryce and Jerren Chambers. Prof. Vasciannie visited the Arthur
Wint campus on Friday, January 20, 2017.
Mr Michael Steele (right) Head, Joan Duncan School of
Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership welcomes President
Vasciannie as he arrives for a tour of the School’s Technology
Innovation Centre (TIC) where he met select incubator tenants and
hosted a meeting with heads of the incubated client companies.
Also welcoming Prof. Vasciannie is TIC Incubator Manager, Miss
Dionne Palmer.
Prof. Vasciannie raps with Mr. Gordon Swaby (2nd left) CEO/Edufocal
Limited - an E-Learning web application for students at the CXC and
GSAT level. Sharing in the discussion is Miss Krysta-Leigh Thames,
Office Administrator.