VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica |
February 2017
HIGHLIGHTS: President’s Onboarding
President Vasciannie Meets Stakeholders
Miss Sophia McIntosh, (2nd left), Western Campus Coordinator,
University of Technology, Jamaica has the keen attention of new
President, Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, CD (3rd left) during a visit to the
Western Campus on Friday, January 13, 2017. Sharing in the discussion
from left are Miss Antoinette Smith, Western Campus Administrator,
and Mr. Noel Whyte, member of Council who specially represents the
University’s interests in western Jamaica. Prof. Vasciannie visited
the Western Campus for a general staff meeting with members of
faculty and staff and specially invited student representatives. He
was accompanied by University Registrar, Dr. Elaine Wallace, Deans
for Colleges/Faculties for programmes offered in the west and other
administrative officers of the University. The team toured the facilities
at both the Dome Street main campus and the Barnett Street
location of the University’s Caribbean School of Nursing.
The UTech, Jamaica Western campus offers courses of study in
law, business administration, nursing, midwifery, mathematics and
education, information systemsmanagement and health administration.
Prof. Stephen Vasciannie (right), examines copies of research thesis done by students
from the University’s School of Public Health and Health Technology during a tour of the
School’s Slipe Pen Road campus on Monday, January 16, 2017. Looking on is Professor
Winston Davidson, Head of School. The School of Public Health and Health Technology
continues to advance best practices in inspectorate care, and its outreach programmes
and research in public health by both students and staff continue to significantly impact
the development of inner-city communities.
Prof. Stephen Vasciannie makes a point as he talks with members of the student
body (at left) during his first meeting with students held on Thursday, January 19,
2017 at the Caribbean Sculpture Park, UTech, Jamaica Papine campus. During
the two-hour meeting, Prof. Vasciannie listened keenly to issues raised by several
students from the various colleges and faculties who outlined details of their
concerns. He assured the student body that he would be keenly considering each
issue raised and will be working on resolving them in the shortest possible time and
will continue to update the student body on the progress made.
School of Public Health and Health Technology Occupational Health and Safety student, Miss
Cherry-Lee Williamson demonstrates to Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, CD (2nd right), the use of
an air sampling apparatus used to test environmental air quality, during The President’s tour
of the campus on Monday, January 16, 2017. Looking on from left are students Miss Ti-
Shawnie Nelson, Mr. Shomar Linday and Lecturer, Mr. Michael Wilson.