Volume 1, Issue 1
February 2017
University of Technology, Jamaica
he University of Technology, Jamaica
(UTech, Ja.) formally welcomed
Richard Powell
as the Institution’s
fourth Pro-Chancellor at the ceremony for his
installation held on Monday, October 31, 2016
at the University’s Alfred Sangster auditorium,
Papine campus.
The celebratory occasion marked by pageantry
and fanfare was witnessed by an audience of
members of government, the diplomatic corps,
the business community, academia, family,
friends and associates of Mr. Powell.
Words of confidence in the expected leadership
and well wishes for the newly installed Pro-
Chancellor flowed from all speakers on the
ninety-minute programme, led by Chancellor
the Most Hon. Edward Seaga, ON, PC
presided over the ceremony.
In his welcome address, Chancellor Seaga told
the gathering that Mr. Powell is a “distinguished
person” of “unquestionable integrity” evidenced
by his long and illustrious career in the public and
private sectors spanning over forty years.
Acting President,
Prof. Colin Gyles
in welcoming
Pro-Chancellor Powell into the UTech, Jamaica
community expressed confidence that “the
Council in its work and the University in general
will benefit from his vast professional and
leadership experience.”
The Acting President called on all stakeholders
to give the new Pro-Chancellor their support as
he continues to play a part in the development of
the University.
rof. Stephen Vasciannie has been appointed
fourth President of the University of
Technology, Jamaica. Chairman of Council
and Pro-Chancellor Richard Powell in making
the announcement stated that he is “happy Prof.
Vascianne has agreed to join the UTech, Jamaica
family and that the University Council is confident
that he will make an invaluable contribution to the
growth and development of the University. The
leadership of this distinguished Jamaican will
enhance the ability of UTech, Jamaica to fulfil its
role as Jamaica’s national university in supporting
the achievements of the country’s development
goals.” The appointment is for a period of three
years commencing January 2, 2017.
As President, Prof. Vasciannie will carry out the
functions of chief academic and administrative
officer of the University, reporting directly to
the Council, through its Chairman, the Pro-
Chancellor. He will be principally responsible
for implementing the Council’s policies, and will
exercise such executive powers as necessary for
the proper administration and operation of the
Mr. Richard Powell (right) is presented with his Instrument of Office by Chancellor, the Most Hon. Edward Seaga,
ON, PC as he welcomes him as UTech, Jamaica’s fourth Pro-Chancellor at the Pro-Chancellor’s Installation
Ceremony held on Monday, October 31, 2016 at the Alfred Sangster auditorium, UTech Papine campus. Mem-
bers of the Platform party applaud the happy occasion.
Richard Powell Appointed Pro-Chancellor
Stephen Vasciannie Appointed 4
Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica
Cont’d on page 3
Cont’d on page 3