Call for Abstracts

The social and economic health of Caribbean states are intimately aligned to their climate resilience and sensitive supporting ecological systems. Rapid and abnormal change in climate and weather, have the potential to cause significant destabilization effects on the economies of States. The World Bank estimates that Jamaica, like other Caribbean states, is highly exposed to extreme weather events and climate risks. Natural disasters have cost Jamaica an estimated US$1.2 billion between 2001 and 2010. Data from The State of the Jamaican Climate 2019 (Climate Studies Group Mona, The University of the West Indies, 2021), shows an upward trend in all three climate variables (temperature, sea level rise, rainfall and weather events such as hurricanes). It has become increasingly clear that characterizations of climate (historical and future) and associated impacts are critical to strengthening climate resilience and adaptation efforts in Jamaica.

As the climate departure curve continues its ascendancy, the entire globe faces severe threats. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in particular, known for their less than capable resilience has to grapple with the fact that all forms of life-human, plant and animal, will not be spared its impact. The natural and built environment will continue to be tested by the ever increasing force of this phenomenon. The imperative now is to build our mitigation and adaptive strategies to manage the impact of the crisis. 

This conference will therefore draw on the expertise of global, regional and local academics and professionals under the following sub-themes:

Sub Theme 1 – Renewable Energy, Sustainable Technologies, Geospatial Sciences and Artificial Intelligence 

      • Solar Power: Advancements and Applications in the Caribbean
      • Wind Energy: Harnessing the Wind for Sustainable Development
      • Bioenergy Solutions for Island Nations
      • Integration of AI in Energy Management Systems
      • Smart Grid Technologies for Resilient Power Distribution
      • Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Sustainable Transportation Solutions

Sub-Theme 2 – Ecosystem Resilience and Conservation

  • Coastal Ecosystem Management in the Face of Climate Change
  • Biodiversity Conservation Strategies for SIDS
  • Coral Reef Restoration and Protection
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices in the Caribbean
  • Community-Based Conservation Initiatives

Sub-Theme 3 - Urban Resilience and Infrastructure Development

  • Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Innovation, Urban Planning and Design
  • Infrastructure Adaptation and Retrofitting for Climate Change
  • Rainwater Harvesting Techniques, Adaptation Strategies and Water Management in Urban Design - apartment complexes, hospitals, educational institutions, offices.
  • Sustainable Transportation Solutions
  • Green Infrastructure and Building Technologies and Practices in Urban Environments
  • Community Engagement and Social Equity in Urban Resilience
  • Mitigating Urban Heat Island

Sub-Theme 4 - Climate Cooperation, Legal and Finance

  • Regional and International Climate Agreements and Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Climate Financing Mechanisms for SIDS: Lessons from the past options for the future.
  • Legal Frameworks, Youth Engagement and Empowerment for Climate Resilience
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Climate Adaptation
  • Insurance Solutions for Climate Risks
  • Leveraging Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Sub-Theme 5 - Policy, Social Equity, Justice and Poverty Alleviation

  • Climate Policy Coherence and Integration for Social Equity
  • Environmental Justice, Community-Based Climate Action, Adaptation and Resilience Building
  • Gender Issues and Perspectives in Climate Action
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Adaptation
  • Poverty Alleviation Strategies in the Context of Climate Change
  • Low-carbon economy transition policies and justice

Sub-Theme 6 - Climate Education and Capacity Building

  • Innovation in Geospatial Technologies for Climate Monitoring: Technologies, Tools, Digital Integration, Methodogies, Land Tenure, Land Management, Land Information Management, Young Surveyors
  • Digital Tools for Climate Education and Awareness: Literacy and Curriculum Integration
  • Land Tenure and Climate Resilience
  • Integrating Climate Data into Educational Curricula
  • Teacher Training and Professional Development for Climate Change
  • Informal and Non-formal Climate Education
  • Climate Education Public Awareness, Policy and Advocacy


Guidelines for Presenters 

The University of Technology, Jamaica International Climate Conference will be held in Kingston, Jamaica on October 17-18, 2024.


The conference looks forward to receiving abstracts which meet any of the following criteria:

  1. Description of the application of Built Environment methods and sustainable technologies, such as Geospatial Sciences, to mitigate the effects of climate departure.
  2. Description of innovative approaches in the built environment that can positively impact the management of the crisis
  3. Critical Analysis of the impact of Renewable Energy, Artificial Intelligence, on Sustainable Infrastructure Development 
  4. Climate Education, Capacity Building, Finance, Social, Legal and Policy Implications for Urban & Ecosystem Resilience, Justice and Poverty Alleviation.

Abstracts should be uploaded by August 31, 2024 to: 

(Please create an account, if you do not already have one)

Receipt of submission will be acknowledged. If you do not receive acknowledgement within three (3) business days of submission, please contact the conference secretariat.

A notice of acceptance of abstracts will be sent to the corresponding authors before September 6, 2024.

Poster presentation may be requested. However, oral presentations are encouraged and assigned by the session conveners and conference programme committee.

Submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation to give a presentation in the designated manner assigned. It also grants UTech, Ja permission to publish the abstract.

Please note that all presenters are required to register for the conference by August 31, 2024 (early bird registration deadline)

Submission of PowerPoint presentations are to be made by September 20, 2024


Your abstract must BE NO MORE THAN 250 WORDS and must include the following:

  1. TITLE
  2. AUTHOR(S): List each author’s full first name followed by surname. Omit degrees, titles and institutional appointments.
  4. EMAIL ADDRESS: Include the email address of the corresponding author.


Abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be published on the conference website.

Authors are invited to submit full papers by October 31, 2024, to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Arts, Science and Technology (JAST), a peer-reviewed publication of the School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship, University of Technology, Jamaica,




(Please create an account, if you do not already have one) 


Ms. Mareka Sutherland, Mr. Wycliffe Frater or Mrs. Patrice Thomas-Cameron

Tel: 876-970-5338, 876-970-5279 or 876-970-5243

