Reid Patrice, Ms.

B.Sc. Psychology (Major), Anthropology (Minor), UWI, Mona.
M.Sc. Clinical Psychology, UWI Mona.
OAS/CICAD & CAM-H Post-Masters Fellowship – Research on the Drug Phenomenon, IRCBP, Toronto, Canada
Post -Graduate Diploma in Education (Tertiary Track), UTech, Jamaica
Ph.D. Candidate – Psychological Medicine, University of Glasgow
Teaching Area Specialization:
Child and Adolescent Development, Cognitive Development, Behaviour Management, Introduction to Psychology for Health Professionals, Seminars in Child & Adolescent Development, Social Psychology, Counselling, and other Psychology-related modules.
Research Interests:
Digital Health
Mental Health and Well-being
Substance Use and Misuse/Substance Use Disorders
Psychosocial and Educational Interventions for Young People
Support for Ageing Populations and their Carers