MESSAGECONT'D. WELCOME Recognized forourcom m itm entto internationaleducation standards,UTech,Ja. received InstitutionalAccreditation from the UniversityCouncilofJam aica (UCJ)in 2018. W etakepridein ourtrackrecord ofproducing over65,000 industry-readygraduates, equipped notonlywith technicalcom petencebutalso with theabiltyto drivesocial and econom ictransform ation.In the em erging digitalera def ined byArtif icial Inteligence(AI),autom ation,and robotics,yourjourneyatUTech,Jam aica beginsat a pivotalm om entin history,whereouracadem icprogram m escontinueto evolvein step with these transform ations. Ialso encourageyou to explorealthattheuniversityhasto oferbyparticipating in variousaspectsofuniversitylife thatalign with yourinterests,including student leadership,m yriad com petitions,clubsand societies,sportsand culturalactivities,as welasvolunteerand com m unityserviceinitiatives– alofwhich wilcontributeto yourpersonaldevelopm entand enrich yourexperience. Iextend m ybestwishesto alnew and returning studentsfora successful,enjoyable, and rewarding academ icyear.