MESSAGE PRESIDENT’S Dr.Kevin Brown President August2024 Itism ypleasureto welcom enew and returning studentsforthe2024/2025 Academ ic Year.W elcom eto thisexciting new chapteratJam aica’snationaland prem ierSTEM (Science,Technology,Engineering & M athem atics)University. Overour66-yearhistory,UTech,Jam aica hasbeen pivotalin shaping technologyand innovation in alignm entwith ournationaldevelopm entagenda.Bychoosing UTech, Jam aica foryourtertiaryeducation,you haveem barked on a transform ative educationaljourneythatprom iseslifelong growth and developm ent.Asnew students, you join a tradition of"Excelence through Knowledge"in a supportive,stim ulating,and diverse academ ic environm entf iled with enriching opportunities. TheMission ofourUniversityis“to positivelyim pactJam aica,thewiderCaribbean and elsewhere,through high qualitylearning opportunitiesforstudents,and valueadded solutionsto governm ent,industryand com m unities.” W earededicated to thispursuit, and Iinviteourstudentsto activelyparticipatein thisMission,throughoutyour university sojourn. 5