MEDICALCENTRE M edicalCentre continuesto provide qualityhealth care to the UniversityCom m unity.The team ofhealth care profes ionalsismultidisciplinaryand the folowing servicesare ofered: -Counseling -Environm entalHealth -Fam ilyPlanning -GeneralM edicine -M edicalLaboratory -Referals OPENING HOURS: M ondav-Friday8:0 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday-9:00 a.m .-2:00 p.m MEDICALLABORATORY SERVICES Servicesare available on weekdaysbetween the hoursof8:00 a.m.and 3:30 p.m.Resultsofroutine laboratorytestsare usualyavailable within 24 hours. EMERGENCY SERVICES Personswith life-threatening em ergencieswho visitthe Health Centre receive supportive care and are then transfered via ambulance to the Ac ident& EmergencyDepartmentofthe UniversityHospitalof the W estIndies ACCESSING MEDICAL SERVICES Alusersofthe M edicalCentre are required to make an appointmentusing the Online Health Centre System (OHCS)fornon-emergencycare.waittime byscheduling yourappointmentsfrom home.Visit the UTech website and selectthe OHCS linkfrom the usefullinks(top right)section. Yourhealth insurance and studentidentifcation cardsare neces aryforeach visit. STUDENTHEALTH INSURANCEPLAN Alregistered studentsare provided with a health insurance card which maybe used atanyhealth care provider.Please note thatsome providersonlyac eptcash/debit/creditcardsaspayments.Ifthis oc urs,askfora signed receiptin orderto make a claim againstthe health insurance provider.There isa costforservicesnotcovered bythe health insurance plan;howeverno cash iscolected atthe M edicalCentre. UTech,Ja.MEDICAL CENTRE