Week of Welcome 2024

Option 2– W orking in thesum m ersession,alstudentsarealowed to workan eight-hour workday,Mondayto Friday,totaling 40 hoursperweek.Pleasenotethefolowing conditions: 1. Priorityisgiven to 2nd and 3rd yearstudentin Sem esters1and 2,First(1st)year studentsare alowed to workin the sum m ersession oftheirf irst(1st)year. 2. Priorityisgiven to Finalyearand Firstyearstudentsin the Sum m erProgram m e 3. Theyarepaid Fortnightly Expanded Program m e These studentworkersare requested bya departm ent/facultyto f il in wherea RegularEarn and Studystudentcannotcoverthedutiesatrequiretim eneeded bythedepartm ent/faculty.In thesecases,theratesand thehoursthestudentsworkare expanded.TheDepartm ent/Facultyisalso responsiblefordeciding theratethattheyare paid,and also paysthesestudentworkersfrom theirdepartm ent’sbudget.Theyworka ful 40 hourworkweekin m ostcasesand aretreated bytheirdepartm entasa tem poraryworker. The StudentW elfare UnitFaciltatesthe Paym entofthe Expanded Students.The departm ent transfersthefundsto theEarn and Studyaccountthrough journaltransfertransactionsforthe period theywould likethestudent. There isno application period foran Expanded studentworker,iftheyare requested,the StudentW elfare Off ice then faciltatestheirplacem entand paym ent. Theapplication periodsfor“Earn and Study”areasfolows: 1. Sem estersI& I– Augustofeach year 2. Sum m erSession – Aprilofeach year Application form sforScholarships,Grantsand Earn & Studyareavailableon-lineat htp:/ www.utech.edu.jm /form s 47