Additionaly,recom m endationscan bem adeto otherunitsin theeventualitythat theym ayneed additionalassistance. - A m axim um of$40,000.00 given to each grantapplicant - $250.00 perdayforlunch subsidy,a m onthlyalocation through a NCBMasterCard - A JUTC buspassvaluing $200.00 perdayisgiven towardstransportation (renewable everym onth fortheentireAcadem icYear) - Studentcan applyforgrantsonceperAcadem icyear(AY) Application forLunch Subsidyopens–OnceperAYAugust-Septem ber Application forGrantsopen – Septem ber25,2017(opensalAY) EARN AND STUDY Em ploym entisprovided forstudentson cam pusthrough theEarn and Study Program m e.W orkisscheduled to avoid conf lictwith the students’academ icperform ance. These studentsare orientated and dispatched to diferentDepartm ents,Facultiesand Units acrosstheUniversityCam pus(of cam pusesincluded).Studentswho applyforthe Program m eareplaced with theintention ofgiving them theexperienceneeded forthe workworld and an opportunityto earn an incom e/stipend.Studentswho areon academ ic probation (GPA of1.70 orbelow)arenotrecom m ended to applyfortheprogram m eas theirstudiestakesprecedence atthiscrucialtim e. Studentswho wish to participatein theEarn and StudyProgram m em aychooseone ofthefolowing options: Option 1– W orking in Sem esters1& 2,studentsarealowed to work50 hrsperfortnight. Thisisapplicableto AL students. 1. Theyarepaid ata rateof$250.00 perhour 2. Theyarepaid fortnightly 46