Week of Welcome 2024

DEPARTMENTOFSTUDENTFINANCING STUDENTWELFAREUNIT GRANTS The StudentW elfare Unitofthe FinancialAid Off ice m anagesa sm alfund thatis contributed byourstudentsduring theregistration period caled theW elfareFund;thisis then used to assistourneedieststudents. 1. AL studentswho contribute to the fund can benef itfrom the folowing assistance: a.Tuition b.Lunch Subsidy c.Transportation d.Medical e.Boarding/Rent f.Teaching Practice Expenses 2. Grantsarenorm alygiven to AL Studentoncetheyhavecontributed to theW elfareFund through thepaym entoftheirECD. 3. Applicantsm ustclearlydem onstrateneed,which should besubstantiated in writing through a Reference Aff idavitbya MinisterofReligion,Justice ofthe Peace,Lectureror SeniorManagerattheUniversity,MedicalDoctorand ResidentManager. 4. Studentsm ustalso provethattheyhaveexhausted alalternativesourcesoffunding beforeapplying fora grant. 5. Recom m endationscan also bem adebytheDepartm entofStudentFinancing who haveseen wherethestudentisstruggling and isunableto m eettheirtuition/boarding obligations. 6. Referee should know studentforatleastOne year Theadm inistering ofalgrantrelated assistanceisdonethrough a W elfareCom m itee, which consistsofthe StudentW elfare Off icer,a Counselorand a StudentServicesprofessional. TheCom m iteereviewstheapplicationssubm ited and m akedecisionson alapplications subm ited. 45