Week of Welcome 2024

W e are delighted to welcom e you to University of Technology,Jam aica. W elcom eto a dynam icstudentcom m unityand an exhilarating cam pus!YourjourneyattheUniversityofTechnology,Jam aica (UTech,Ja.)prom isesto berewarding,and wearethriled that you havechosen UTech,Ja.to pursueyoureducation. W eareproud to announcethat Utech,Ja iscelebrating 66 yearsofservice to studentsboth localyand internationaly with thethem e“Building yourfutureTogether;Em bracing the Journey.”Ourgraduateshaveachieved rem arkablesuccess in variousf ields.W elcom e! Takefuladvantageofthisinform ativeweekbyatending as m anysessionsasyou can.Ourfriendlyand knowledgeable staf are eagerto assistyou in navigating the university.Don't hesitateto sayhelo and askforhelp ifyou need it. W eek ofW elcom e