Week of Welcome 2024

WELCOME MESSAGECONT'D. These are the driving forcesbehind the UTech,Ja.,studentexperience,asyou prepare to be innovators,leaders,entrepreneurs,policy-m akers,and life-long learners.In the wordsofThe R.E.MarcusMosiah Garvey,"Itrustthatyou wilso live todayasto realize thatyou are m astersofyourown destiny,m astersofyourfate;ifthere isanything you wantin thisworld,itisforyou to strike outwith conf idence and faith in selfand reach for the stars" Kudosfortaking on thechalengeand responsibiltyoftheUTech Knight,safeguarding and contributing to a legacyofexcelence.W elcom e to the fam ily,welcom e to UTech, Jam aica,the Birthplace ofGreatness.