The UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica Students’Union Councilisa body ofappointed and elected representativeswho are dedicated to f iling the gaps thatoften divide the studentbodyand the university.The councilexecutes initiativesthatwilenable realchange through culturalenrichm ent,student developm ent,f inancialsupport,and com m unityoutreach.The 2024/25 Council isguided bythe them e "Serving T.E.A AlYearLong",where T.E.A representsthe three pilarsthattie in with ourm andate and wilbe incorporated in ourvarious activitiesthroughoutthe academ ic year.These pilarsare nam elyTransparency, studentEngagem entand Advocacy.Throughoutyourtenure atthe University,we hope to provide you with opportunitiesforsocial,physical,academ ic and cultural growth.Ourm oto,“To Serve and To Represent”form sthe fuelwhich drivesthe variousactivitiesand initiativeswhich are in place foryou thisupcom ing academ ic year. The Councilcom prises offour(4)boards,nam ely;Board ofExecutives, Board ofRepresentatives,Board ofDirectorsand Board ofAdvisors.These boards workwithin a hierarchicalstructure to ensure thatY.O.U.are represented and served atallevelswithin the Universityto give you the holistic experience the Universityhasto ofer.Transparencyisan essentialpilarin ourunion.W e are dedicated to m aking studentsaware ofthe happeningsin the union,the decisions 23