Week of Welcome 2024

Academ ic Presentation T.E.A.Tim e Welcome (giving an overview and leting personsknow the Council) PercivalRoberts 1stVP AcademicAfairs,Clubs& Societies M r.Jahiem Anderson VP StudentServices 10:30 A.M .-10:35 A.M . 10:35 A.M .-11:05 A.M . 11:05 A.M .-11:10 A.M . 11:12 A.M .-11:20 A.M . 10:00 A.M .-10:30 A.M . 20 TUESDAY CLUBSAND SOCIETIESFAIR& GETTING TO KNOW YOURSTUDENTS’UNION COUNCIL VENUE:PapineCam pus,Alfred SangsterAuditorium HOST: Mr.Rick Darby Student’sUnion President ACTIVITY M r.RickDarby-Students'Union CouncilPresident PowerTalk DirectorofSpiritualDevelopment As em bleatAlfred SangsterAuditorium Advertisem ent 11:22 A.M .-11:30 A.M . StudentServicesPresentation 9:50 A.M .-10:00 A.M . RESIDENT LIFE ORIENTATION Giveaways Chil room KnightsSpotlight Introduction ofConces ionaires Introduction oftheunion The Fix 1:0 P.M .-1:10 P.M . 1:10 P.M .-1:50 P.M . 1:50 P.M .-2:0 PM 2:0 P.M .-3:0 P.M . 3:00 P.M .-3:10 P.M . 12:15 A.M .-1:00 P.M . Club Introduction -Re-energize Cam pusLife Highlighting union m em bers& students who have done weloutside ofacademics (pageant,sports,busines ,parliament) SponsorSegm ent Ice Breaker/Giveaway Interaction with Sponsorsand Clubs 3:10 P.M .-3:20 P.M . Dismisal 11:30 A.M .-11:38 A.M . 11:38 A.M .-1 :40 A.M . 11:45 A.M .-12:15 A.M . 6:00 PM -9:0 PM 20