MESSAGE STUDENTS UNION PRESIDENT’S M r.RickDarby Presidentofthe Students’ Union The UTech,Ja.Students’Union Councilisa studentled organization thatrepresentsthe studentbodyhere atthe UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica.The counciliscom prised ofelected and appointed representativesdedicated to f iling gapsthatoften divide the studentpopulusand the university.The councilseeksto im plem entand execute initiatives thatdrivesm eaningfulchange through culturalenrichm ent,studentdevelopm ent, f inancialsupport,and com m unityoutreach.The 2024/25 Councils’prim aryfocusisto Refocus,Restructure,and Re-energize the Students’Union.Ourvision aim sto refocus ourStudents’Union to be m ore student-friendlyand student-centered,to re-energize ourUnion to enhanceinclusivityand revivecam puslife,and to restructureforbeter studentrepresentation and enhancem ent. The Councilcom prisesoffour(4)boards,nam ely;Board ofExecutives,Board of Representatives,Board ofDirectorsand Board ofAdvisors.These boardsworkwithin a hierarchicalstructure to ensure thatY.O.U.are represented and served atallevels 17 14