Voices April - September 2023

10 33 April- September 2023 | VOICES Bi- Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica BACAT Students Showcase Capstone Projects at Annual Exhibition UTech, Jamaica final year students of the Bachelor of Communication Arts and Technology (BACAT) programme in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS) on May 3, 2023 showcased their creative capstone projects at the annual BACAT Final Year Student Exhibition held at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. Hosted under the theme, “Media Magnified: Shaping the Future of the Creative Industry,” the imaginative showcase of students’ final media projects included print publications, radio and television documentaries, website designs and media campaigns. In her welcome at the Opening Ceremony, Dean, FELS, Professor Shermaine Barrett congratulated the fourth-year students on their hard work culminating in the exhibition. Noting that the students had full responsibility for planning and execution of the event, the Dean said that “critical to our philosophy at UTech, Jamaica and specifically within the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies is experiential, hands-on learning through engagement in authentic, real-life projects and activities.” She asserted that in addition to technical competence and skills, the BACAT students who are on the verge of entering the media landscape or are already there, have been well prepared in “the 21st century skills of the future” such as creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, teamwork, communication and presentation skills. Professor Barrett also expressed gratitude and commendation to the members of faculty, staff and technical team for their work in preparing the students to become “work ready graduates of the future.” Greetings and congratulations were received from Mr. Robert Adelson, Jr., Public Affairs Officer at the United States Embassy which has supported the BACAT Student Exhibition over the years. Mr. Robert Aldeson, Jr. Public Affairs Officer, United States Embassy was pleased to receive a framed copy of a beautiful nature themed photograph by final year student Shantrese Brown (right). Shantrese who was named among the top students from the final year cohort, was awarded top marks for her media project titled “Quasheba” – a photography exhibition which “celebrates the contribution of Jamaican women vendors to the economy and culture of Jamaica.”