Voices April - September 2023

Kymani Scarlett (FOSS) I chose to study Actuarial Science because I thought it would be interesting to study and I’ve always liked math. I selected UTech because it is a really great university and it suits me best. I want to gain a quality education and have the opportunity for networking and stuff like that. I heard of the Actuarial Science club so I would like to join that. Khalil Barnes (FENC) I study Computer Information Systems and I selected it because I wanted to have a job in the IT field. I selected UTech because it’s the University of Technology, so what better place to go than here if you’re studying Technology? There’s a vast number of degrees as it pertains to technology. I expect UTech to give me a good experience and for me to learn and communicate and socialize with the other students and the teachers of course; just to make it a good university experience for all students. I want to be a part of the Circle K club and a computing club. I am doing a Bachelor of Business Administration in the School of Business Administration. I don’t know at the moment what I want my major to be but I’ll see further down. I chose UTech because my parents liked UTech, it’s very nice and I’m a first generation university student. For myself, I want to have a 4.3 GPA for my first semester and I hope UTech molds me and teaches me what I need to know and I’ll do the rest. Kyla Wright (COBAM) 23 January- March 2023 | VOICES Bi- Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica