Voices Magazine-Vol4-Issue

9 January – April 2021 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica I n a move to provide training and foster research into water adaptation to address Jamaica’s drought challenges, the University of Technology, Jamaica and the JN Foundation have partnered to offer a six week course of study, which will facilitate certification in rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling. The collaboration was formally established on January 19, 2021 at the JN Bank Headquarters, where the two entities signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the terms of the partnership. The six week programme, to be offered at the University’s Faculty of The Built Environment, will commence on April 6, 2021, and forms a part of the partnership between the organizations which also includes research into areas of sustainable development, climate change, and energy efficiency. It also includes research into related areas associated with water, housing and land management. The scope of the partnership demonstrates the unified aim of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Goals and further enhancing the country’s sustainability, through research. Professor Colin Gyles, in welcoming the collaboration, noted “it could have hardly come at a better time, because as we enter the drought season, we are keenly aware that Jamaica has a problem with water (although we are known as the land of wood and water). The truth is, there is no reason why, with the brilliance and innovativeness of our people, we should be having that problem,” adding that “I do believe that this project, in fostering water harvesting, water treatment, and innovation; as well as supporting the development of these, is long overdue.” The Honourable Earl Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica National Group said that the MoU was a significant collaboration with both organizations working to protect the environment and meet the United Nations Sustainable Goals. The MoU was facilitated through the Water Project Jamaica, which is being administered by the JN Foundation. Its objectives are to facilitate the uptake of water adaptation measures in the housing sector across Jamaica. These include the use of rainwater harvesting systems; water efficient taps and showers; low-flush toilets; efficient irrigation systems; and grey water recycling facilities; as well as, other appropriate efficiency measures. Other objectives of the project are to increase climate resilient housing in Jamaica through greater awareness about the business and financial cases involved in developing and building homes, with water efficient measures. The project also aims to promote efficiency in the use of water by Jamaicans in their homes; improve the reliability of water supplies; and thereby, enhance the country’s water security and climate resilience. UTech, Jamaica and JN Foundation Partner for Academic Programme and Research on Water Adaptability and Drought Solutions Officers of the University of Technology, Jamaica and the JN Foundation participate in the signing of an MoU on January 19, 2021 at JN Bank offices in Kingston. The MoU is geared at fostering research and certification in water adaptation. From left are Dr. Garfield Young, Dean, Faculty of The Built Environment, Professor Carol Archer, Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy, Professor Colin Gyles, Acting President, UTech, Jamaica, Miss Claudine Allen, General Manager, JN Foundation and The Honourable Mr. Earl Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica National Group.