Voices Magazine-Vol4-Issue

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | January – April 2021 8 T he Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, in collaboration with the UTech, Jamaica Debating and Public Speaking Society (UDPSS) hosted its annual Patois Debate via Zoom on April 22, 2021. The riveting debate, between teams from the University of Technology, Jamaica and The Mico University College, was conducted entirely in Jamaican creole. This year’s motion was “Da Ous ya biliiv se enibadi wa si piipl uu liv tugeda ar de wid dem wan aneda an a waar, for ripuot it, no mata wa dem tingk maita apm tu dem.” (This House believes that those who witness domestic violence should report it without regard to personal consequences”). Professor Shermaine Barrett, Dean, FELS, had high praises for the Language, Teaching and Research Centre (LTRC) in the Faculty, and other organisers of the debate competition, noting that the debate was timely and an excellent means of legitimizing Jamaican Creole at UTech, Jamaica. Mrs. Mercedes Deane, University Registrar, who is also advisor to the UDPSS, praised the debaters as among the best collegiate debate groups in Jamaica. She expressed hope that the debate would also spark discussions and further exploration of the issue of domestic violence on the island. Dr. Warrick Lattibeaudaire, Director, LTRC provided further information on the role of the Centre in the organization of the debate competition, indicating that the LTRC is the language arm of the Faculty, mandated to promote language education throughout the University. Mr. Cleveland Tomlinson, President, UDPSS also noted the timeliness and relevance of the motion, citing the widespread reports of instances of domestic violence across the island, perpetrated by both men and women. Noting that the issue had to be addressed and corrected, Mr. Tomlinson expressed that solutions could be presented in Jamaican Creole, as the language of the people, to share insights to a more diverse audience. The adjudication panel comprised Chief Judge, Mrs. Janelle Haye-Nelson, from the Jamaica Association for Debating and Empowerment (JADE) and wing judges, Mr. Germaine Barrett, Executive Director, JADE and Ms. Carolyn Thompson, Lecturer, The Mico University College. The Mico University College team debated the motion on the Government side; team members were Sadiki Connickie (Prime Minister), Andre Romario Rose (Deputy Prime Minister), and Kalicia Rashad, all 4th Year B.Ed. Language and Literature students. University of Technology, Jamaica team members Cleveland Tomlinson (Leader of the Opposition), 4th Year B. Ed. Business Education student, Joelle Brown (Deputy Opposition Leader), 4th Year B. Ed. Mathematics student, and Amorie Jarret, 3rd Year B. Sc. Computer Science student served as the Opposition. The Mico University College emerged winners following the fiercely contested debate. Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies Hosts 3 rd Annual Patois Debate Kalicia Rashad (centre), member of the winning Mico University College team and UTech, Jamaica debater Cleveland Tomlinson are presented with tokens by Rushana Jarrett (left), Administrative Support, FELS at the 3rd Annual Patois Debate Competition on April 22, 2021. Dr. Warrick Lattibeaudaire Professor Shermaine Barrett