Voices Magazine-Vol3-Issue-6-WEB

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | September - December 2020 8 T he College of Oral Health Sciences received a donation of approximately 5,000 impression trays from Dr. Joseph Massad, an internationally renowned clinician in the field of prosthodontics from the United States. The donation was presented in a short ceremony on November 20, 2020 at the College’s Arthur Wint Drive Campus. Welcoming the generous donation, Dr. Mark Edwards, Dean, Joint Colleges of Medicine, Oral Health and Veterinary Sciences, noted that the impression trays are cutting-edge dental tools that will provide oral health students with examples of advances in prosthodontics, adding that the College is pursuing other opportunities for collaboration with Dr. Massad. Professor Colin Gyles, Acting President, congratulated the College on forging partnerships that have resulted in such benefits to the students, noting that the University’s ethos of team spirit, innovation and service were on full display. College of Oral Health Sciences Receives Cutting- Edge Dental Impression Trays Doctor of Medical Dentistry students (l-r) Abigail Hobson, Ni’Rykaa Morgan and Sharae Small join Professor Colin Gyles (left) Acting President and Dr. Mark Edwards, Dean, Joint Colleges of Medicine, Oral Health and Veterinary Sciences for a photo op with dental impression trays donated to the College of Oral Health Sciences. The donation was formally presented on November 20, 2020 at the College’s Arthur Wint Drive Campus. Mr. Cleve Clarke (left), Clinical Instructor, College of Oral Health Sciences, oversees a class of 1st year BSc. Dental Hygiene students as they watch Akheel Baker demonstrate the proper handwashing technique during a lab session on October 6, 2020.