Voices Magazine-Vol3-Issue-6-WEB

13 September - December 2020 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Josan is no stranger to obstacles. Coupled with the difficulty of making the daily long journey to and from school, she contracted dengue fever during a critical point in her studies. But in all her challenges, she has found a way to excel, utilizing the long bus rides as a period to study, and relying on her batch mates to provide notes once she was healthy enough to return to school. Now employed as an Actuarial Analyst at Sagicor Group Jamaica, Josan continues to achieve excellence, having passed her first exam from The Society of Actuary in her journey to become an Associate Actuary. Josan is proud of her time at UTech, Jamaica, having enjoyed the learning experience and her interactions with lecturers. She is especially proud of her involvement in the Actuarial Science Club, noting that the fun and meaningful activities were a major highlight of her tertiary journey. She advises UTech, Jamaica students to stay focused, to work hard and to do their best at all times. Kevin, a native of Belize, had to acclimatize to another culture while pursuing his degree. Granted a scholarship through the Belizean government, as an employee, he chose the University of Technology, Jamaica to realize his goals. Reminiscing, he said he enjoyed his time in Jamaica, traveling around the island, and immersing himself in the culture. Aiding his integration was his time on the University’s Hall F dorm, where he learned to step out of his comfort zone and put his fear aside, participating in many events and even winning a pageant. Regrettably, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kevin was unable to return to Jamaica to take his graduation photograph. He credits UTech, Jamaica with molding him in surprising ways, and giving him new directions to pursue. Kevin hopes to use his knowledge and experiences to raise the standards of the surveying profession in his country, and to make a significant contribution to sustainable development. He also hopes to start his own business, to be able to free himself from the need to seek employment. He urges students to think carefully about the majors they pursue at university, opining that challenges and obstacles will not get in the way of people who are pursuing their passion. STUDENT VOICES - Meet our high achievers A love of economics and a belief that it is “the backbone of every economy and a major avenue for promoting sustainable growth and development” propelled Shanique to pursue a major that many consider difficult. But combined with a craving for success, the love and sacrifice of her mother and encouragement of her older sister, and a scholarship from the NCB Foundation, Shanique overcame the challenges of university life. She shared that a major obstacle to her graduating with her batch mates was the undersubscription of a crucial module to her subject area, however with the assistance of academic and administrative staff, she was able to complete the module through independent study, and obtained her degree on the timeline she had set for herself. Though academically gifted, Shanique understands the need to be well-rounded, urging UTech, Jamaica students to participate in co-curricular activities and to become involved in the many events held on campus. She notes that a significant highlight of her UTech, Jamaica journey was her leadership of the Jamaica Business and Economics Society of Tomorrow (JBEST) and her participation in volunteer and community service projects with other clubs and societies. She is now employed at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and hopes to pursue a Master of Science in Economics and ACCA certification. Josan Munroe Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Faculty of Science and Sport Shanique Orr Bachelor of Science in Economics College of Business and Management Kevin Gutierrez Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences Faculty of The Built Environment