Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 5

9 May – August 2020 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica F ifty UTech, Jamaica students benefitted from care packages donated by Mighty Malt, through the Grace Kennedy Foundation, at a presentation on May 22, 2020 at the University’s Papine Campus. Miss Kristina Hill, Beverages Intern at Grace Foods, explained that the presentation was being made through the Mighty Malt brand and would benefit students identified through the existing Grace Kennedy Foundation UTech, Jamaica/UWI, Mona Food Bank. Each package, estimated to be worth $8000.00 JMD, contained non-perishable grocery and beverage items, and a “quarantine kit” that included a face mask. “Students are the people that really need a lot of the attention right now; some are away from home, and the schools are actually what help fund them for grocery items. During a time like this we just want to make sure that they are taken care of,” Miss Hill explained. Professor Colin Gyles,Acting President, expressed gratitude for the donation, praising Mighty Malt and the Grace Kennedy Foundation for “thinking of our students during these challenging times.” He noted that the donation would go a long way in easing the difficulties of many students affected by the pandemic. Distribution of the packages was executed through the University’s Scholarship Office. Students Receive Care Packages from Mighty Malt-Grace Kennedy Foundation Representatives of University of Technology, Jamaica, Mighty Malt and Grace Kennedy Foundation pose for a photo during a presentation on May 22, 2020 at the University’s Papine Campus of care packages to UTech, Ja. students in need. From left (standing) are Miss Deidre Cousins, Director, Grace Kennedy Foundation, Professor Colin Gyles, Acting President, Mr. Khalil Hutchinson, President, UTech, Jamaica Students’ Union, and Mr. Nicholas Bramwell, Global Categories Manager, Grace Foods. Seated (from left) are Mrs. Caroline Mahfood, Executive Director, Grace Kennedy Foundation, Mrs. Karen Mussington, Senior Brand Manager, Grace Foods and Miss Kristina Hill, Beverages Intern, Grace Foods.