Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 5

13 May – August 2020 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica G raduate students of the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies tackled the impact of COVID-19 on the education sector during a panel discussion on June 11, 2020, titled “From Tan a Yuh Yaad to Back to School.” The panelists sought to provide insight into various challenges and opportunities that arose following the closure of schools in March owing to the Coronavirus pandemic. Moderated by Dr. Hope Mayne, Associate Professor and Graduate Studies Coordinator and Dr. Eraldine Williams-Shakespeare, Lecturer, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, the dialogue generated insightful perspectives on the changing landscape of education in Jamaica, and the impact that measures to curb the spread of the Coronavirus would have on teaching and learning for students, parents and educators, as well as other stakeholders. Panelists explored the new paradigm of online learning, engaging with issues related to access to and ease of use for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) platforms: the quality of education outside of the traditional modes of teaching and learning, and the evolving roles of teacher, student and parents. Panelist Monique Whitfield, in her presentation, outlined that a key opportunity presented by the pandemic. Miss Whitfield indicated that an opportunity lies in the production of content via videos and other digital material that students could access at their leisure, facilitating students who need repeated exposure to grasp concepts. Graduate Students Tackle the Impact of COVID-19 on Education