Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 5

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | May – August 2020 10 “My online learning experience was a tedious task starting out due to internet issues. Though I had a laptop, access to the internet and a cell phone that can browse the internet, accessing my classes was not easy. However, I was able to complete second semester, passing all my modules.” Alrick Francis 5th Year, Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing – International Business, College of Business and Management UTech, Jamaica Students were asked, “What was your experience with online teaching and learning towards the end of Semester 2, following the suspension of face to face classes on March 13 owing to the COVID-19 pandemic?” Read on to see their responses. “The change of modality was stressful, difficult and life-changing. After all the scampering around to try to find a reliable internet source, I found that COVID-19 represents all the drastic changes in life that are bound to happen. My response to the change became a deciding factor of whether I failed or excelled. I choose to excel and keep on excelling!” Abbi-Gayle Woolery 4th Year, Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting, College of Business and Management (Western Campus) “My experience was challenging at times as I had a few system issues. I later resolved those issues and managing very well, although I miss face to face class.” Jumaine Brown 3rd Year, Bachelor of Education, Business and Computer Studies, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies STUDENT VOICES