UTech, Ja. Voices

15 January – April 2020 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he thought provoking photorealistic art of Michael Elliott, visual arts tutor, came to life at the Centre for the Arts, on February 27, 2020, following the launch of an art exhibition to showcase his work. Mr. Elliott, whose preferred media is acrylic on canvas, spoke about his experimentation with photography techniques and post-processing software, as well as his inspiration, influences and creative process. The themes of his paintings range from politics, the economy, the environment and warfare, with much of his work employing an abstract approach and elements of pop art. The paintings, which include still life and landscape pieces, provoked a vibrant discussion among staff, students and art lovers in attendance. Centre for the Arts Showcases Photorealist Artist Michael Elliott Photorealist artist Michael Elliott explains his creative process Photorealist artist Michael Elliot (left) discusses one of his pieces with Mr. Phillip Clarke, Director, Centre for the Arts, UTech, Ja Pieces by photorealist artist Michael Elliott