UTech, Ja. Voices

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | January – April 2020 10 Representatives from Humber College and UTech, Jamaica engage in partnership talks at a special discussion forum hosted at the University’s Papine Campus on Monday, February 10, 2020 at the Technology Innovation Centre (TIC). Pictured from left, members of the Humber College delegation, Mrs. Rebecca Fitzgerald, Associate Director, International Mobility and Partnerships, Ms. Stephanie Byer, Manager, International and Strategic Initiatives, Ms. Larisa Duravetz, Manager, Placements and International Initiatives, and Mr. Neil Price, Associate Dean, School of Social and Community Services, and UTech, Jamaica representatives, Mrs. LaCresha Gordon-Bryson, Co-operative Education Coordinator, Ms. Camille Jackson, Lecturer, SHTM, Mrs. Rose Marie Headley-Smith, Lecturer, SHTM and Dr. Janet Campbell-Shelly, Dean, College of Health Sciences. T he University of Technology, Jamaica and Humber College, Toronto, Canada have further strengthened the institutional collaboration and linkages between the two institutions, following a full day of partnership discussions among delegates from both institutions, which also included an information session with students and a tour of academic/ learning facilities at the UTech, Jamaica Papine Campus on February 10, 2020. UTech, Jamaica and Humber College in 2014 entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster the development of initiatives to benefit students and faculty from the respective institutions, through collaborative opportunities including student/faculty exchanges, study tours, and research projects. Over the six-year history students and members of faculty from both UTech, Jamaica and from Humber College have participated in short study abroad academic engagements in Canada and in Jamaica. The forum was intended to explore possibilities for academic and work integrated learning particularly in areas in which both institutions offer similar programmes. In this regard, representatives from UTech, Jamaica and Humber engaged in fruitful discussions on potential cooperation in areas including child and youth care, media and communication arts and technology education, hospitality and tourism management. UTech, Jamaica Hosts Humber College Delegates for Partnership Forum The team poses for a photo op with CHAD (BSc, Child Adolescent and Development) students of the College of Health Sciences. Mrs. Rebecca Fitzgerald, Associate Director, International Mobility and Partnerships, Humber College tries out equipment at the BACAT studios, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS).