Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 2

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | August - September 2019 8 T echnical capacity within UTech, Jamaica’s Caribbean School of Architecture (CSA), Faculty of The Built Environment has been tapped by the Government of Jamaica as part of the local pool of architectural talent to design the layout for the US$2.5-billion Vernamfield development project. Dubbed ‘Aerotropolis Jamaica’, the project is intended to transform the Vernamfield property in Clarendon, which was previously an army base, into an aerodrome to provide international air cargo and logistics; aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services; and an aeronautical training school. For the design of the proposed aerotropolis, which is still in its early planning stage, the project team will be calling on the knowledge and expertise of professional institutions and academia, including students at the University of Technology, Jamaica Caribbean School of Architecture. The CSA was established in 1988 to provide for the education of architects for the English-speaking territories of Cont’d from page 7... UTech, Ja. Partners with GoJ for Upgraded Food Products Analysis Labs Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton presents certificates of completion to participants of the Gas Chromatography training workshop, Dr. Marcia Williams, Associate Professor, College of Health Sciences and Rasheed Perry, Assistant Lecture, College of Health Sciences. Professor Fitzroy Henry, Professor of Public Health Nutrition in the College of Health Sciences, who chaired the proceedings, explained that, “this signing represents an agreement for the two labs to carry out the tests at a reasonable cost, so that we can make policy changes and implement them.” Professor Stephen Vasciannie, President, UTech, Jamaica in his remarks s noted that, “in the past, we had vague knowledge of the concentration of these ingredients (fats, salt and sugar) in our foods. With information from these upgraded laboratories we will now be able to set evidence-based national guidelines to ensure that more healthy food options are available for consumption by the public.” The overall project is being undertaken in Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines by UTech, the University of the West Indies (UWI), McGill University and Cambridge University. Mrs. Modupeola Abayomi, Mrs. Tamalee Needham-Richards, Mr. Rasheed Perry, and Dr. Marcia Williams of the College of Health Sciences were among seventeen persons from UTech, Jamaica, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, and the SRC who successfully completed the first local Gas Chromatography training workshop, and were presented with certificates at the signing ceremony. CSA Supports Gov’t’s Vernamfield Development Project manager for the Vernamfield development, Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Derby (right), speaks with Master of Architecture students at the University of Technology’s Caribbean School of Architecture during a visit by the Core Implementation Team of the Vernamfield development project to the school during its 30th anniversary exhibition. The students (from left) are: Imani Lawrence; Kenrick Baksh; Neville Plummer; Jheanine Wiggan; and Sana Williams. (Photo: JIS) Cont’d on page 9