Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 2

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | August - September 2019 22 M r. Jason Solomon, a graduate student with the Natural Products Research Laboratory (NPRL) and Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Sport (FOSS) has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship (QE2), to undertake courses of study and continue his natural products research at St. Mary’s University (SMU), in Halifax, Canada. Mr. Solomon is the third UTech, Jamaica scholar to benefit from this scholarship as part of the MoU partnership between UTech, Ja. and SMU. The scholarship covers all major associated costs. Mr. Solomon began work at SMU on September 2, 2019 and will return to Jamaica in December 2019. The Faculty of Science and Sport (FOSS) and Faculty of Engineering and Computing (FENC) congratulate Mr. Solomon on this achievement, with Associate Professors Drs. Sean Thorpe and Andrew Lamm, both partners on the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship programme, offering special congratulations. measures to safeguard confidentiality and privacy of patient records and Dr. Thorpe looked at the importance of establishing a secure infrastructure for wired and wireless based services that support Electronic Health Records (E.H.R) systems through health care providers. T he Jamaica USA Chamber of Commerce (JUCC) recently hosted its Trade Forum in Davie Florida. The conference held on August 29, 2019, was titled Trade Jamaica- Invest Jamaica and had distinguished Architect Gordon Gill as its keynote speaker. This event was in celebration of the JUCC’s 15th anniversary and included the inaugural scholarship to a Caribbean School of Architecture student of the Faculty of The Built Environment (FOBE), UTech, Jamaica. The scholarship was named in honour of Architect Gordon Gill who was the patron of the recent Jamaica Houses of Parliament Design Competition presenter of a UTech, Jamaica Distinguished Lecture. The scholarship awardee is Rose Somie, a third year Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies student. The award was received by Dr. Garfield Young, Dean, FOBE who attended the conference. Dr Young, in receiving the award, thanked the JUCC and Architect Gill for the recognition of the CSA academic programmes and for the support of a well deserving Jamaican architecture student. FOSS Graduate Student and Assistant Lecturer Awarded Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Jamaica USA Chamber of Commerce Grants Scholarship to CSA Student L-R: Dr. Sean Thorpe, Head, School of Computing & Information Technology, Mr. Jason Solomon, Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship recipient, and Dr. Andrew Lamm, Head of the Centre for Science Based Research, Entrepreneurship and Continuing Studies, Faculty of Science and Sport. L-R: CSA Lecturer Denise Ramharrack, Vice Dean Pigou-Dennis and Dean Young pose with Rose Somie, Scholarship recipient. Dr Garfield Young receives award from President of the JUCC Marie Gill