Voices Magazine Vol3 Issue 2

11 August - September 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Dr. Adella Campbell, Dean, CSON shares a photo with He Jingping Head of the Nursing Department at the Hospital Beijing Chaoyang Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Emergency Medical Centre and Qin Ran, Lecturer at the Centre. U Tech, Jamaica delegation of eighteen nursing students and three members of academic staff from the Caribbean School of Nursing (CSON) visited Beijing, China July - September 2019 to participate in a special Critical Care Nurses Training Programme at the invitation of the Government of China. The group comprised 14 critical care nursing students, 2 final year nursing students and 2 final year midwifery students. CSON Head of School, Dr. Adella Campbell who accompanied the delegation to China, in explaining the historical context of the partnership arrangement, shared that in 2018, the CSON was invited by the Ministry of Health and Wellness to be part of discussions around expanding the training of nurses in Jamaica. Pointing out that “there are limited clinical spaces to train our nurses due to the large numbers and the many other schools utilizing the same spaces,” she disclosed that the government at the same time sought to extend bilateral cooperation with other countries including China to assist with the training of nurses, particularly specialist nurses in areas such as Critical Care. In June 2018, the first cohort of Critical Care nursing students participated in a training programme in China through this arrangement. The Caribbean School of Nursing, UTech participated in the evaluation of this first training initiative and was subsequently selected by the Ministry to continue the training of specialist nurses in China. The 2019 delegation participated in two months of training at the Xinxiang Central Hospital in Beijing where they were involved in the care of critically ill patients. The team also participated in cultural exchange activities. Miss Lisa McDonald, Programme Director for the Critical Care course of study and Mrs. Denese Walters, Critical Care Lecturer chaperoned the students. Student Nurses Receive Training in China Critical Care Nursing and Midwifery students participate in critical care training in China. Mr. Fan Jianghong, Commercial and Economic Counselor, Chinese Embassy in Jamaica, who represented His Excellency Tian Qi, Chinese Ambassador to Jamaica at a farewell reception hosted by the University on July 3, 2019 at the Papine Campus interact with critical care nursing students and Dr. Adella Campbell, Head, CSON. Mr. Jianghong described the collaboration for the training of critical care nursing students in China, as a “win-win” for both countries. He noted that the China-sponsored programme will “enhance cooperation in public health between Jamaica and China.” CSON students comprising Critical Care, Nursing and Midwifery students and members of faculty, CSON pose for a group photo.