Voices Magazine Vol3-Issue 1

27 April - June 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica UTech, Jamaica Participates in Labour Day Projects SOBA students participate in the painting of a fence at the the Penrith Early Childhood Education Centre. The SOBA team. T he National Water Commission (NWC) Basic School in Papine, St Andrew is looking sparkling new after Labour Day 2019, as it received much-needed repairs courtesy of volunteers from the University of Technology, Jamaica in partnership with Restaurants of Jamaica, the National Water Commission and the Early Childhood Commission. The Department of Community Service and Development, University of Technology, Jamaica led members of staff and students who participated in Labour Day projects at the National Water Commission Basic School in close proximity to the University’s Papine Campus. The projects executed included reconstruction of a side-walk, fencing, painting and general beautification of the grounds. Mr. Paulton Gordon, Director of Community Service and Development noted that the NWC Basic School was chosen because “it is right next door to our campus and we decided that whatever support they needed at any point in time we will provide that.” The rehabilitation work at the NWC Basic School at which approximately 150 students aged 3 to 6 are enrolled, will assist the school in its quest to achieve certification from the Early Childhood Commission, particularly with the health and safety component for certification. The staff of the School of Business Administration (SOBA) in the College of Business and Management on Labour Day, May 23, 2019 participated in a “Labour of Love” at the Penrith Early Childhood Education Centre located in Cross Roads, Kingston, where they provided a face lift to the institution through the repainting of the school’s exterior. SOBA students participate in the painting of a fence at the the Penrith Early Childhood Education Centre.