Voices Magazine Vol3-Issue 1

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | April - June 2019 26 T he caregivers, who primarily look after sick, elderly or disabled family members, were exposed to best practices and mental health resources at the 1st Caregivers Symposium hosted by the College of Health Sciences, UTech, Jamaica, held from June 11 to 12, 2019 at the Papine Campus. The two-day event, held under the theme ‘Supporting Your Own Mental Health as a Caregiver’, provided a forum for development of a network of resources that can strengthen the support system for caregivers. The forum also explored issues in caregiving that affect the mental health of caregivers and ways that these can be addressed to maintain mental wellness. The symposium included presentations from a cadre of health care experts and specialists on a range of topics, including ‘Policies and Trends in Mental Health: A Jamaica Perspective’, ‘Public Health and Mental Health Issues’, and ‘Therapeutic Management and Mental Health’. Associate professor and coordinator of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship at the College of Health Sciences, Andrea Pusey Murray in her remarks noted that “Caregivers provide a mammoth task to individuals, families and communities who are in need at themost vulnerable times during the life cycle. Caregivers face numerous responsibilities and multifaceted demands of their time, energy and efforts. As a result, caregiving can take a significant physical and psychological toll...It is important to build a support system and seek help so you can take care of yourself as well,” she said. Keynote speaker was Dr Bernadette Theodore- Gandi, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization representative. Dr. Theodore-Gandi congratulated UTech, Jamaica for its leadership in seeking to provide support to caregivers. She said that recommendations coming out of the event should go towards strengthening health systems “making them better equipped to respond to populations of patients most likely to enter into home care as well as the persons who care for them.” Director, Health Services, Planning and Integration in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Dr. Naydene Williams who delivered greetings on behalf of the Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton shared that greater prioritisation will be given to the mental health sector in the coming months as part of the Ministry’s thrust to improve mental health services. She advised that work on the National Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan is being finalised. COHS Hosts 1 st Caregivers’ Symposium Health Data Security Symposium: Mr. Greg-Louis Austin (2nd left), Senior Lecturer, Health Data Security and Privacy, College of Health Sciences makes a point during the Health Data Security Symposium. Other members of the panel from left are Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa, Dean, Faculty of Law, Mrs. Janet Powell, Director, Patient Affairs, University Hospital of the West Indies and Dr. Sean Thorpe, Head, School of Computing and Information Technology. On April 12, 2019, recently crowned Miss UTech, Jamaica 2019, Kaydean Sterling paid a courtesy call on University President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie during which she shared plans for her reign and received hearty congratulations and well wishes from the President. Miss Sterling is all smiles as she receives a tuition grant from Professor Stephen Vasciannie to assist with her studies. Miss Sterling who is a second year Bachelor of Business Administration student was accompanied by Dr Neleen Leslie Piper (seated left), Programme Director Graduate Studies, College of Business and Management. Miss UTech, Jamaica Calls on the President