Voices Magazine Vol3-Issue 1

25 April - June 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Bloomberg Lab Officially Opened at the School of Business Administration T he College of Business and Management (COBAM), through its School of Business Administration on April 11, 2019 under the theme, “Fin Tech: The new Frontier,” officially opened the Bloomberg Lab at the Papine Campus designated to enhance the hands-on learning experience for undergraduate and graduate students in finance and banking studies. Dr. Andrea Sutherland noted that with the integration of this technology, students will be able to enhance their skills through the application of theoretical learning in a more practical setting. She explained that the tool which is widely used in industry will provide training in areas such as portfolio optimization, market microstructure and valuation of securities as well as provide useful data and company reports needed for research work. Guest speaker at the launch ceremony, Mrs. Marlene Street- Forrest, Managing Director, Jamaica Stock Exchange noted that the establishment of the financial lab at UTech, Jamaica provides the opportunity for greater emphasis and understanding of not only the theoretical but the practical aspects of how capital market works. She noted that the Bloomberg Lab is a step in the right direction for the University of Technology, Jamaica as it will promote effective business practices among students. Faculty members, students and guests view a demonstration of the Bloomberg Platform during a tour of the lab. The School of Business Administration, College of Business and Management (COBAM) on April 11, 2019 officially opened its Bloomberg at the Papine Campus. Participating in the opening (l-r) are Mrs Vanetta Skeete, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies (Acting), COBAM, Dr. Neleen Leslie-Piper, Graduate Studies Programme Director, School of Advanced Management (SOAM), COBAM, Dr Andrea Sutherland, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Publications, COBAM, Mrs. Marlene Street-Forrest, Managing Director, Jamaica Stock Exchange, Mrs. Darlene Jones, Executive Director, Jamaica Institute of Financial Services and Mr Ewan Shaw, Graduate Studies Lecturer, SOAM.