Voices Magazine Vol3-Issue 1

11 April - June 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he Faculty of Science and Sport (FOSS) hosted its 9th annual Caribbean Conference on Sport Sciences on Friday, April 12, 2019 at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus under the theme, “Sport: Golden Opportunities for Development and Wealth Creation,” . Dr. Kamilah Hylton, Dean, FOSS in her welcome pointed to the influence of sports on economic outcomes visible in the multi-billion dollar sportswear and equipment industry. The Dean noted that development potential also exists in the staging of sporting events at the grassroots, national and international levels. She lamented however, that “investment in sports in developed countries is leaps and bounds ahead of that in developing nations.” In this regard she urged that “we must seek to capitalize on the potential of brand Jamaica’s sporting prowess by developing local markets in which sports-related services are provided.” In this context, Dr. Hylton told the large gathering of sports administrators, athletes, educators, students and members of the business community, that the Conference was intended to “facilitate the multi-disciplinary networking and discussion in a holistic manner” looking specifically at the various factors to be considered for tapping into opportunities for wealth creation through sports. Keynote speaker was Mr Christopher Dehring, CEO, Ready TV who shared success stories and lessons learnt during his stint as Chairman of Cricket World Cup held in Jamaica in April 2007. Other speakers at the opening ceremony were Mr Gary Peart, CEO, Mayberry Investment who spoke on the importance of financial planning for retirement from sport for athletes in particular, and retirement from work- life for members of the public in general; Olympian Mrs Juliet Cuthbert Flynn, MP who shared her personal story of how she created financial wealth through proper planning, investment; Mr Dean Hardman, Head of Tournament Services for the Rugby League World Cup 2021 and Mr Norman Peart, Sport Agent for Olympic legend Usain Bolt and Professor Stephen Vasciannie, President, UTech, Jamaica. Molly Rhone, Netball Stalwart Honoured The Honourable Molly May Rhone, OJ, President of the International Federation of Netball Associations, who received the Order of Jamaica in 2011 for her more than 50 years of dedication to the development of sport in Jamaica, was honoured at the FOSS Conference with the Special Recognition Sport Honoree award. The citation on Ms Rhone read by Mrs Denise Wisdom, Lecturer, FOSS, lauded her for among other achievements, the establishment of “proper structures, a strategic business plan and a variety of winning programmes, in the game of netball.” The University also saluted Ms Rhone for her dedication to spreading netball worldwide, inclusive of through programmes such as the exciting Fast 5 Netball World Series initiated in 2009. Caribbean Conference on Sport Sciences Examines Golden Opportunities for Wealth Creation in Sport Dr. Donna-Marie Wynter-Adams, Head, Caribbean School of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Science and Sport, University of Technology, Jamaica presents a gift basket to Mr Christopher Dehring, CEO, Ready TV following his keynote address at the 9th annual Caribbean Conference on Sport Sciences held on Friday, April 12, 2019 at Lecture Theatre 50, Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. The Honourable Molly Rhone (2nd left), OJ, President, International Federation of Netball Associations poses with her UTech, Jamaica Citation. Sharing in the happy occasion are, from left, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, President, UTech, Jamaica, Dr. Kamilah Hylton, Dean, Faculty of Science and Sport and Mr. Denzil Thorpe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Gender Entertainment and Sport.