Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

25 February - March 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica D r. Raymond Oenbring, Assistant Professor, Writing Programme Coordinator at The University of the Bahamas, delivers the 5th Hilory Pamela Kelly Distinguished Lecture on the topic, “Towards the Creation of Effective Communicators in Caribbean Universities: Meeting Needs Across the Faculties.” The annual lecture was held on January 24, 2019 at the Papine Campus. Dr. Oenbring in his wide-ranging talk offered pointers on how students can be trained to improve their writing and communication skills. He argued that regular academic writing classes and in-class writing assignments are insufficient in this regard and suggested greater use of “process writing” where students are encouraged to write both in specific fields and across disciplines. Dr. Oenbring noted that, “we should encourage students to critically analyze the process that they go through in producing their writing, rather than merely having them prepare their final written product.” He argued that students should be made to produce multiple drafts so that they can become more vested in their writing skills. U Tech, Jamaica led by the Career and Placement Unit, Office of the University Registrar, hosted the Annual Career and Job Fair on March 15, 2019 at the, Papine Campus under the theme, “Advancing into the World of Work.” Over 60 participating companies and organizations held interviews with over 280 third and fourth year students and 27graduates from across the University’s colleges and faculties. Dr. Paul Ivey, Associate Vice President, Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship who gave the welcome on behalf of President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie thanked all participating institutions for their continued interest in the University. Mrs. Mercedes Dean, University Registrar in her greetings told the students that they have been well prepared by the University for the World of work and encouraged them to do their very best during their interviews. The University Registrar emphasized that UTech, Jamaica has vested in its students, the competency, skills and attitudes needed to excel in their respective fields and by extension help to build Jamaica. Mr. Daniel Caron, Country Manager, Nestle, Jamaica and third time title sponsor of the Annual Career and Job Fair said that Nestle remains committed to investing in Jamaica’s youth through channels such as this. Among the other speakers at the Opening Ceremony were Dr. Kamilah Hylton, Dean, Faculty of Science and Sport, UTech, Jamaica, Mrs. La-Cresha Gordon-Brydson, Co-operative Education Coordinator, UTech, Jamaica, Ms. Colinnette Wilson, Director, Human Resource Management Association of Jamaica (HRMAJ) and Mrs. Brenda Cuthbert, CEO, Jamaica Employment Federation (JEF). 5 th Hilory Pamela Kelly Distinguished Lecture Annual Career and Job Fair UTech, Jamaica students participate in job recruitment interviews with representatives from (l – r), Main Event Entertainment Group Limited and Digicel, at the UTech, Jamaica Career and Job Placement Fair held on March 15, 2019 at the Alfred Sangster auditorium, Papine Campus.