Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | February - March 2019 22 for both big and small problems facing the country. “We have to be a data- driven people [because] we no longer have the luxury of saying, ‘I think it is so,” he emphasized, adding that “we have to say, ‘without a shadow of a doubt, ‘I know it is this because I have the data’. He further urged that “we must take the guesswork out, because mediocrity is not an option for us anymore as a people, as an individual, or as a nation,” adding that “if anything is true in life, it is that numbers are real, they are unchangeable.” University President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, in his welcome noted that “over its 60-year history, the institution has contributed to society through teaching, research and outreach into communities, and in providing solutions to societal problems.” The Opening Ceremony was chaired by Mr Martin Henry, Manager, Operations and Projects, SGSRE and Chairman, RTID Planning Committee. Mr Henry and Miss Tashoya Streete, Graduate Studies Research and Entrepreneurship Officer provided a detailed overview of the research publications produced by the University including the latest issue of JAST and publications produced for each RTID over the past three years. The 2019 RTID publication highlighting graduate students’ research, titled Preparing the Next Generation of Researchers to Advance Knowledge and Solve Problems is available on the University’s website at http:// www.utechjamaica.edu.jm/academics/sgsre/research-1/research- technology-and-innovation-day-publications . Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President with responsibility for the School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship in his remarks, encouraged both staff and student researchers to continue to pursue innovative research to impact Jamaica. Mr. Gary ‘Butch’ Hendrickson (3rd left), Chairman and CEO, Continental Baking Company and Coconut Bay Management Ltd engages André Graig (left), UTech, Jamaica Mechanical Engineering student as he explains the use of his 3D printer on display at the Faculty of Engineering and Computing Booth during his tour of the exhibits.Looking on (from 2nd left) are, Ms. Tifanny Wong, Special Projects Officer, Continental Baking Company and Professor Felix Akinladejo, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, FENC. Derrica Grant, Faculty of Science and Sport (FOSS) student explains the functions of the eye to curious students from Dupont Primary and Infant School. Miss Tashoya Streete, SGSRE Officer and Mr. Martin Henry, Manager, Operations and Projects, SGSRE and Chairman, RTID Planning Committee. Cont’d on page 23 Exhibitions Cont’d from page 21... Research, Technology and Innovation Day 2019