Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

19 February - March 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica L ead Researcher, Professor Fitzroy Henry, Professor of Public Health Nutrition in the College of Health Sciences and his team, on January 10, 2019 presented the results of study looking at “Student Life and Learning at UTech, Jamaica.” The presentation was made at a ceremony held at the Shared Facilities Building at which members of academic and administrative staff from across the University shared in what was both an introspective and instructive examination of the wide ranging issues which touch and concern all aspects of student experience, and the impact on their academic achievement at the University, specifically, their GPA scores. The special forum was organised by the School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship (SGSRE) thorough which the project was supported by the University’s Research Development Fund (RDF). Other members of the research team were Miss Melissa Nelson, Mrs. Renelle Aarons-Morgan and Mrs. Vanessa White-Barrow. The findings of the report include the main factors that affect the GPA scores and academic performance of students; students’ perspective on teaching and the learning environment and the administrative services at the University. Professor Vasciannie urged all to take note of the findings and pointed to the relevance of the report to all members of academic and administrative staff in helping our students to succeed and to flourish. In her remarks following the presentation, University Registrar Mrs Mercedes Deane noted that the survey will help to inform deliberate efforts to plan for our main stakeholders. She emphasised that all members of the UTech, Jamaica community must become involved in driving that process. Study on Student Life and Learning at UTech, Jamaica Posing with a copy of the Study on Student Life and Learning at UTech, Jamaica (from left) Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, Professor Fitzroy Henry, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, College of Health Sciences, (COHS) Miss Melissa Nelson, Administrative Support, COHS, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, President and Mrs. Vanessa White- Barrow, Head, School of Allied Health and Wellness, College of Health Sciences, COHS. Professor Stephen Vasciannie presents a copy of the study to Mrs. Mercedes Deane, University Registrar and Mr. Kahlil Hutchinson, 1st Vice President, UTech, Jamaica Students’ Union.