Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

17 February - March 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica “I was nominated and I accepted the position. Students can make their lives better at the University by interacting more with each other, creating a cohesive bond between each other in terms of study and academics. Another way to make the best of life at UTech, Jamaica is to use up the facilities that are offered to all students. Use the gym, the pool, etc. Doing physical activities help the mental processes and that would in turn help academically. Students should also make time to network with persons outside of the University in their field; get active within your profession. Get involved in your clubs which helps to build your leadership skills and develop professionalism.” Markland Jefferson Faculty of The Built Environment Course of Study: B.Eng in Construction Engineering “It was a way to help other students to have a better experience, including myself. I think being a student ambassador for UTech, Jamaica will help me to be more exposed to what the University has to offer. This has always been my dream university and I think that being a student ambassador would have been such an honour so I was very delighted when I was nominated. My advice to students is to be more involved in co-curricular activities, be more inquisitive in what the school has to offer. Study every day, being consistent is what counts. Therefore, if you want to ensure that your academics is up to par, always try to get help. If you do not understand something, get help from now and don’t wait until the last minute.” Neethu Manianghattu Faculty of Science and Sport Course of Study: Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science STUDENT VOICES “Being a student ambassador provides an opportunity for me to interact with both students and staff. It provides a medium of communication at both ends. My advice to students is to enjoy the process; try not to lose yourself, instead ‘gain yourself’ throughout your years as a student. Many times you focus on one thing and miss out on another opportunity. So, enjoy it and make the most of it.” Sanshegay Peart College of Business and Management Course of Study: Bachelor of Business Administration