Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

13 February - March 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Professor Stephen Vasciannie (centre) President, University of Technology, Jamaica is flanked by the new group of student ambassadors at the launch ceremony for the University of Technology, Jamaica Student Ambassador Programme on March 25, 2019 held at LT50, Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. T wenty nine (29) students from across the 3 colleges and 5 faculties at the University of Technology, Jamaica have been selected to participate in the Student Ambassador Programme. The newly appointed student ambassadors were formally welcomed to the programme at a launch ceremony on March 25, 2019 at the Papine Campus. As positive youth leaders, the student ambassadors will be expected to promote the values of the University, enriching its impact on the community and building the University’s brand. Mr Hector Wheeler, Associate Vice President, Advancement Division, who chaired the launch ceremony explained that the criteria for selection included full enrolment, a minimum GPA of 2.5; ability to commit to the programme for at least 1 year and a willingness to commit at least 25 hours each semester to the Programme. In welcoming the student ambassadors, University President, Professor Stephen stated that “our students are our best ambassadors,” adding his commendation for their willingness to give back and their commitment to playing an active role in building the UTech, Jamaica brand, its values and reputation. Miss Neethu Manianghattu, first year BSc in Actuarial Science student, Faculty of Science and Sport responded on behalf of the newly minted UTech, Jamaica Student Ambassadors. T he University of Technology, Jamaica on March 4, 2019 opened its 60th Anniversary Exhibition at the Papine Campus to glowing reviews by members of faculty, staff, students and visitors. The exhibition space mounted at the Drawing Room – an historical building on the Campus, recently declared by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) among the now nine national monuments at the University, highlights snippets of the institution’s growth and impact in academics, sports and community service over its 60-year history. In his welcome at the opening ceremony held at Lillian’s Restaurant, University President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie remarked that “over the past 60 years, this institution has marked many proud moments and celebrated many notable milestones that have helped to define UTech, Jamaica as Jamaica’s primer national university, with a strong commitment to national and regional development.” Curator of the 60th Anniversary Exhibition and Visual Arts Tutor at the Centre for the Arts, Dr. Winston Campbell, provided an overview of the exhibition ahead of the tour. The exhibition included posters,memorabilia, publications, awards, archival photographs and artefacts. The exhibition space is divided into four themes, taking visitors through a veritable walk through history, beginning with The CAST to UTech, Jamaica Story, moving to National Impact in Science, Technology and Medicine; Humanities, Leadership and Entrepreneurship; Sports and The Arts. UTech, Jamaica launches Student Ambassador Programme 60 th Anniversary Exhibition Shows off Growth and Impact of the Institution Mr. Howard Chamberlain (3rd left), Special Advisor to Honourable Alando Terrelonge, Minister of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Information who represented the Minister, cuts the ribbon marking the official opening of the University of Technology, Jamaica 60th Anniversary Exhibition held on Monday, March 4, 2019 at The Drawing Room, Papine Campus. Sharing in the cutting of the ribbon (from left) Professor Stephen Vasciannie, President, UTech, Jamaica, Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President and Mrs. Mercedes Deane, University Registrar. Dr. Winston Campbell, Curator, 60th Anniversary Exhibition.