Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

11 February - March 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica O n March 21, 2019, University President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie presented the final lecture in the University of Technology, Jamaica 60th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture series. Professor Vasciannie who is also former Jamaican Ambassador to the United States, spoke on the topic International Law and the Diplomat: Jamaican Practice.” In his wide ranging talk, Professor Vasciannie shared insights on both the privileges and risks of being a diplomat and the attendant legal framework in which diplomats carry out their duties. He looked at the provisions under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR) which defines the framework for diplomatic relations between independent countries. Professor Vasciannie pointed to the articles of the VCDR in explaining the rationale for immunities and rights accorded to diplomats for the purpose of effectively carrying out their duties to “represent, protect, negotiate, ascertain and promote.” He elaborated on diplomatic privileges such as inviolability of premises, exemption from taxes, free communication, inviolability of person (which protects diplomats from arrest and detention) and immunity from criminal jurisdiction and civil jurisdiction. In looking at the sensitivities of diplomatic relations, Professor Vasciannie elaborated on several well-known cases and incidents in international law and the Jamaican practice which have challenged political relations between receiving and sending governments and citizens of their countries. Privileges and Risks of being a Diplomat Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, UTech Jamaica makes a point during his 60th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture titled, “International Law and the Diplomat: Jamaican Practice” held on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at LT50, Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. Presidents L-R: Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President who chaired the lecture by Professor Vasciannie, Dr. the Hon.Alfred Sangster, OJ, Former Principal and President, University of Technology, Jamaica and Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, University of Technology, Jamaica share pleasantries prior to the start of the Distinguished Lecture.