Voices Magazine Vol2-Issue-6

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | February - March 2019 10 I n his presentation, he asserted that the UTech, Jamaica strategy of developing some of the world’s greatest talent in track and field such as the likes of Asafa Powell, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Sherone Simpson, Michael Frater, Brigitte Foster-Hylton, Shericka Williams, and a host of other stars, can be replicated, as a basis for sustainability of Jamaica’s international dominance in athletics. Professor Gyles sought to present the inextricable link between Jamaica’s sprint dominance since the decades of the 2000s and the legendary Dennis Johnson, renowned coach and Olympian who has pioneered the successful development of the sports programme at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Dennis Johnson was a star sprinter who represented Calabar High School in the 1950s; and later the Bakersfield College and then San Jose State University, USA, where at one time he was the fastest man in the world – undefeated at age 21 in the 100 yards in 1961. Professor Gyles’ lecture pointed to Johnson’s experiences at San Jose State University, where he was trained by the legendary Lloyd C. “Bud” Winter in the “rocket sprint start” sprinting technique which Johnson later transferred to UTech, Jamaica and subsequently to the enhancement of the Jamaican sporting landscape. Greetings were received from Mrs. Florette Blackwood, Consultant, Sport Policy Development and Innovation in the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, on behalf of the Minister, Honourable Olivia Grange. Dennis Johnson and the Jamaican ‘Sprint Factory’ Professor Colin Gyles (centre), Deputy President, University of Technology, Jamaica and Mr. Dennis Johnson (3rd left) pose with President, Professor Vasciannie (left), and members of their respective families (from left), Mr. Peter Johnson, son, Dennis Johnson, Mr. Daniel Gyles, son, Professor Gyles, Mrs. Marlene Pottinger-Gyles, his wife and Miss Kristen Gyles, daughter. Cont’d from page 9... 60th Anniversary Distinguished Lectures Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, University of Technology, Jamaica delivering the 60th Anniversary Distinguished Public Lecture on the topic, “Dennis Johnson, UTech, Jamaica and the Jamaican Sprint Factory” held on March 7, 2019 at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus.