Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 5-6

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - December 2018 18 F ive outstanding University of Technology, Jamaica students were presented with the prestigious Huawei Technologies Limited “Seeds for the Future 2018” Scholarship Award at a presentation ceremony and send-off farewell held on, October 4, 2018 at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, St. Andrew. The “Seeds for the Future” two week programme in China comprises the two main components of Cultural Experience and ICT Training. The students are 3rd year School of Computing and Information Technology (SCIT) high achievers, Ms. Juleen Gentles (1st left), Mr. Taslan Graham (2nd left), Mr. Hushane Esson (3rd left) Ms. Kasjshae Quimwarrwye (right) and 4th year electrical engineering student Mr. Oswin Wilson. They join five students from the University of the West Indies, Mona who were also selected. The Jamaican students joined other Caribbean university students from Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana to participate in Huawei’s flagship international corporate social responsibility programme held October – November 2018. The “Seeds for the Future” scholarship awardees visited the city of Beijing, China for immersion into Chinese culture and had the opportunity to learn about its traditions and language. The students also visited iconic tourist attractions of the city such as the Great Wall of China, Forbidden City and the Olympic Stadium. During the second week, the students participated in an intense ICT training at Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen to learn about the latest advances in ICT through the company’s experts. Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information was guest speaker at the celebratory occasion. He told the students that “Jamaica is waiting for you to come back with a wealth of knowledge to help improve our ICT sector.” Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President who represented the University, in his remarks thanked Huawei Technologies for the company’s contribution to the international education of students.. He congratulated all the students from both universities who met the criteria for selection for the Hauwei Seeds of the Future Program, noting that all 5 UTech, Jamaica students earned Grade Point Averages (GPA) of over 3.0. Country Manager, Huawei Jamaica, Mr. Allen Chen in his address said that through this programme, “we are offering to our Jamaican young students the opportunity to enhance their ability to adapt to the ICT industry as they learn more about the state-of-the-art technologies and skills as well as the innovation needs for the local market.” Students Awarded Huawei “Seeds for The Future” Scholarships to Visit China “Seeds for the Future” 2018 awardees from UTech, Jamaica and UWI, Mona show off their symbolic seeds. Joining the happy occasion (seated L-R) are Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, UTech, Jamaica, Mr. Allen Chen, Country Manager, Huawei Technologies Company Ltd., Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information and Professor Dale Webber, Principal, UWI, Mona.