Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 5-6

17 October - December 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica The congratulations and well wishes from stakeholders locally and overseas poured in following the announcement that the University of Technology, Jamaica has been institutionally accredited. Here are some of those voices: “Naturally I would be happy because this is something that should have happened a long time ago. It is a really good feeling; it really is a big step up for the University. Brianna Mowatt Faculty of Engineering and Computing Course of Study: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science “Dear Professor Vasciannie, It has reached my ears that the UCJ has granted the university full institutional accreditation. I wish to thank you and your team for your continued representation at the highest levels . As a student it is heart-warming to know the university continues its upward trek. Thank you and your team for its stellar stewardship.” Jermaine Shaw Faculty of Law student “Dear Professor Vasciannie, I am delighted to add my heartiest congratulations to you and your team on this signal achievement. This is indeed a welcome Christmas present that will have a salutary impact on the University’s image and its long term prospects.” Mr Richard Powell Pro-Chancellor, UTech, Jamaica Dear Prof. Vasciannie, UTech’ Jamaica’s institutional accreditation is no mean feat! I wholeheartedly congratulate you and the UTech Jamaica team members directly related to seeing this through. This is such a milestone achievement to make us all proud and happy. Thanks!” Dr Ruth Potopsingh AVP, Sustainable Development, UTech, Jamaica STAKEHOLDER VOICES “Dear President Vasciannie, Congratulations on leading the University of Technology, Jamaica towards the long sought after Institutional Accreditation. This news is the best I have had about CAST/UTech, Jamaica, since the night we graduated the institutions first degree graduates, in Technical Education. So many of the movers and shakers in education and administration have not lived to see this development. I know however, that those who are alive and coherent will certainly lend their voices to the current team of workers and students in celebrating this milestone achievement with you. My last assignments at the University were in western Jamaica as Acting Principal and Head of the UTech Academy. In these contexts, I am also celebrating not only the success of students from the Western campus but especially the graduation of many of the UTech Academy students from Falmouth, some of whom started in Evening classes at Muschette High School and later at the Greenfield Stadium. Thank you for steadying the ‘rocky boat’ by your leadership towards what is important at this time for the University. This achievement is also the achievement of many who are no longer around to join the celebration but their legacies live on in this honour. I take pride in knowing that my work, my sacrifice and my investment in the many aspects of university development have finally come to the desired achievement and coveted institution placement in Jamaica, the Caribbean and the world.” Professor Geraldene Hodelin Former Principal, UTech, Jamaica Western Campus