Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 5-6

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - December 2018 14 Professor Stephen Vasciannie, UTech, Jamaica President, welcomes high school students to Open House on September 25, 2018 at the Alfred Sangster Auditorium, Papine Campus. S cores of high school students from the Corporate Area and rural Jamaica attended the University of Technology, Jamaica annual Open House held at the Papine Campus on September 25, 2018 at the Alfred Sangster Auditorium and on September 27, 2018 date at the Montego Bay Civic Centre in Montego Bay. The prospective UTech, Ja students received first-hand information from College and Faculty representatives about courses of study offered by the University. Open House Irwin High School students are fascinated with the surveying tools at the Faculty of The Built Environment booth at the UTech, Jamaica Open House held the Montego Bay Civic Centre on September 27, 2018. Novaan English, 4th year Student, Faculty of Science and Sport, monitors and explains to Cross Keys High School Student how the Heart testing machine works. Westhood High School students interacting with the model patient at the School of Nursing Booth during the Mobay Campus Open House 2018. Students from the Herbert Morrison Technical High School obtaining information on UTech, Jamaica programmes.