Voices Magazine

7 August 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he Faculty of Science and Sport (FOSS) hosted its 5th International Scientific Conference under the theme “Accomplishing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through Science, Technology, and Innovation” from July 19- 20, 2018, at the University’s Papine Campus. Dr. Andrew Lamm, Director of the Centre for Science-Based Research, Entrepreneurship and Continuing Studies gave an overview of the conference, which comprised 29 oral presentations made by local and international researchers, and two partnership sessions. The Conference also included for the first time, a symposium with the theme “Toxic Workplaces, Diagnosis, and Treatment.” The Conference featured keynote speaker Dr. Kadamawe K’nIfe, Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice, at the University of theWest Indies (UWI), Mona. Other plenary speakers were Professor Michael Taylor and Ms. Zelmira May, UWI and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), respectively. FOSS 5 th International Scientific Conference Dr. K’adamwe K’nIfe, Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice, UWI Mona engages with the audience during his presentation. FOSS’ 5th International Scientific Conference Chair, Miss Christine O’Sullivan, presents Mr. Khalil Campbell, student Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies with the Outstanding Student Scientist Award on behalf of conference sponsor Jamaica Energy Partners. Khalil was one of two students presented with special awards at the conference. Student Deiondra Robinson, UWI, Mona also received the Outstanding Student Scientist Award presented by sponsor, the National Housing Trust. Dr. Andrew Lamm, Director, Centre for the Science Base Research, Entrepreneurship and Continuing Studies Greetings were received from Mr. Patrick Williams, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Science and Sport, who noted that the multi-disciplinary conference seeks to address both national and international issues in such areas as Energy Security, Health and Medicine, Agriculture and Food Security, among others. The Vice-Dean emphasized that it was appropriate that these themes are being addressed by Jamaica’s National University. Other speakers were Ms. Andrea Gisselle Burbano Fuertes, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Cluster Office for the Caribbean, Mr. Henry Lewis, Jr. Lecturer, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, UTech, Jamaica who led a session on “ Gang violence and national security in Jamaica: Implication for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, ” and Ms. Rebecca Tortello, Education Specialist gave a presentation titled “Gotcha Caught doing something Good- Shifting attitudes and improving outcomes through a structured student support framework.” Dr. Ruth Potopsingh, Associate Vice President, Caribbean Sustainable Energy and Innovation Institute, (CSEI) UTech, Jamaica led a presentation on the topic “Contributing to UN ‘s Sustainable Development Goals through curriculum Design aimed at Producing ‘innovation Capable’ Graduates: The Case of the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Energy and Climate Change. Dr. Patricia Green, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of The Built Environment gave a presentation on the historic urban landscapes in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Case study of Trench Town, Kingston, Jamaica.