Voices Magazine

23 August 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he University of Technology, Jamaica as part of its MoU partnership with Saint Mary’s University (SMU), Halifax, Canada hosted three Queen Elizabeth Scholars from SMU who joined the University for three months from May to August 2018 on a period of internship. The scholars who are all Social Entrepreneurs are Miss Meredith Drost, 4th year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in Global Business Management and Marketing, Miss Erica Davis, 4th year Bachelor of Commerce students majoring in Marketing with a minor in Psychology and Mr. Andreas Robinson, 4th year Bachelor of Commerce student with a double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. In collaboration with the Office of the President, The Queen Elizabeth Scholars on July 26, 2018 conducted a successful forum and workshop on social enterprise and its relevance to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The students developed the proposal for the forum and secured speakers and other resources for their presentation dubbed, “The Shift in Business,” held at the Technology Innovation Centre, UTech, Jamaica Papine campus. The forum attracted several budding student entrepreneurs, members of academic and administrative staff. Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President welcomed the Queen Elizabeth Scholars and thanked them for coming to share their experiences of social enterprise in Canada. Dr. Claire Sutherland, Senior Director, International and Institutional Linkages guided and facilitated the work of the scholars in Jamaica. Andreas Robinson, Queen Elizabeth Scholar, leading a session titled “Find Your Passion.” Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, UTech, Jamaica welcomes Queen Elizabeth Scholars at the Shift in Business For UTech, Jamaica Hosts Queen Elizabeth Scholars on Internship Queen Elizabeth Scholars Erica Davis, (left) and Meredith Drost (right) make their presentation on Social Enterprise at the Shift in Business Forum held on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at the Technology Innovation Centre.