Voices Magazine

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | August 2018 22 T he University community extends congratulations to Miss Melisa Porter, Supervisor, Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education and Daycare Centre and Miss Salina Solomon, Land Surveying & GIS graduate of the Faculty of The Built Environment, UTech, Jamaica on their award of the prestigious 2018/2019 Chevening Scholarship. Miss Porter who obtained a BSc. in Child and Adolescent Development (First Class Honours) in 2011 from the University of Technology, Jamaica will pursue a Master of Science in Education (Leadership and Policy) at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom beginning in September 2018. Miss Solomon, who completed the Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences, will pursue a 1-year postgraduate course in Environmental Systems Engineering at the University College of London. In interviews with Voices Editor, Mrs Michelle Beckford, both awardees shared their delight on being selected for the prestigious scholarship and their expectations for further studies in the UK and the contribution they plan to make to Jamaica on their return. Miss Porter shared that she chose the University of Bristol for its multi- disciplinary approach and core content of the programme to be pursued. She also notes that the University is internationally recognised for its cutting- edge research, quality of instruction and multifaceted programmes. Miss Porter has an avid interest in child development, policy and leadership and is passionate about the provision of systems and structures that cater to the holistic development of children. She notes her intention to positively contribute to enhancing child development, locally and globally upon completing her studies. Miss Solomon said “I chose University College of London because it is one of the highest ranked universities in the world, has a diverse student population and is located in central London.” Commenting on the potential of her studies in contributing to development in Jamaica, she noted further that “I chose to study Environmental Systems Engineering because of the significant impact the environment has on human settlements, particularly informal settlements (and vice versa). I have a keen interest in the regularisation of informal settlements and believe that addressing this issue, which is bound by the constraints of cost, legislation and cultural norms, through the lens of environmental engineering could provide a breakthrough that is much needed locally.” Heartiest congratulations to Miss Porter and Miss Solomon. UTech, Jamaica Staff and Alumna awarded Chevening Scholarship Miss Melisa Porter Supervisor, Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education and Daycare Centre